9. Won't let go

233 11 15

[fun fact, the restaurant in this chapter is a reference to an actual one from my hometown!]
Word count:1678

Day 12

Ever since we came out to each other things between me and skeppy have been.. different. Not in a bad way though.

He's started to get a lot more physically touchy. I usually don't care for physical touch, but with him, I don't mind.

Well, other than the fact it makes me shut down every time. Although I've been getting a lot more comfortable with him ever since that day, it still doesn't change how utterly smitten I am.

Honestly I think it might be worse now, since I stopped trying to push it down.

I blink, snapping myself out of my thoughts as I hear footsteps. Jeez, I've zoned out a lot with him here, huh?

"Good morning bad!" Skeppy happily greets, walking behind the couch and wrapping his arms around me neck from behind, and resting his Chin on my head.

"Morning sleepyhead."

He yawns and releases me from his grasp, walking over to the kitchen. I decide to get up and follow him, walking into the kitchen and sitting on a stool at the island.

He grabs the milk from the fridge and cereal from the cupboard. Grabbing a bowl, he pours in the milk, then the cereal.

I give him a disgusted look, causing him to laugh.

"You look at me like I'm gross as if you don't microwave your cereal."

"Hey! In my defense, I have sensitive teeth! What's your excuse for pouring the milk first?"

"The cereal doesn't get as soggy."

Okay fair enough.

I just huff and lean back, making him chuckle. He dips his spoon in his cereal, and puts a spoonful in his mouth.

"So, what's the plan for today?" He asks, still chewing.

"I don't know, I didn't really make one for today. I was thinking maybe we could stream a bit and go stargazing tonight?"

"Ooh I love stargazing!!"

I smile at him. He's just so cute when he's excited, can you blame me?

"For now wanna watch something with me?"

I nod in agreement, and follow him to the living room, and we decide to throw some Jacksepticeye video on.

I feel a buzz from my pocket, and pick it up to see a message from dream.

Hey bad! Enjoying skeppy's company?

Yeah! It's going pretty well! We plan on going stargazing tonight.

Ooh! Sounds like a perfect chance to ask him out! ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)


Ant has been filling me in about
what's going on.

That muffinhead!


Language! You have no place to talk!

Loll ur just mad I'm calling you out

Ugh. Where are you going with this?

When I met your eyes//SkephaloOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant