10. Don't leave..

221 14 18

Word count: 1083

"Bad? A-are you ok?" Skeppy questions, voice hushed and worried. Still sniffling and sobbing, I sit up, not letting go of his hands. He follows and positions himself to sit in front of me.


"I don't want you to leave.." I confess, tears still rolling down my face and getting caught under my chin.

"Meeting you in person is the best thing that's happened to me! If I hadn't, I'd still be moping around, hating myself! I would've never got to see the best version of myself!"

I pause and choke on my own throat. The knowledge that he's going to leave hurts more than any words ever have.

"I'm not ready for you to be ripped away from me just like that! I-I can't go back to before!"

Skeppy looks at me with an expression I can't quite read. A mix of pity, understanding, sadness, and more. He sighs and looks me in the eyes with an even more intense gaze then normal.

"I.. I don't want to leave either. I love being around more than I ever thought I would."

I'm glad to know he likes being around me as much as I like being around him. I like feeling like it's not for nothing, that I have someone who has a mutual amount of care for me as I do them.

"And on top of that.. if I leave I'll.. never mind."


"It's nothing."

It definitely doesn't seem like nothing, especially noticing how the color in his cheeks deepened. Could he actually feel the same?

I remember ant told me a should confess. Does her really feel the same? No, he can't. Don't be stupid bad.

"Do you.. have to leave?"

He looks back at me, and sighs.

"I.. Don't know. Honestly I don't really know if I have much reason to go back, but what reason do I have to pick up my life to stay here?"

Oh. So he doesn't care for me as much as I thought. I would do anything to stay with him. Pack up my life and move across the country. Across the continent, across the world, across the galaxy, just as long as I'd be with him.

He must've seen the sadness grow in my eyes.

"N-not that I don't think it's worth staying with you! It's just that you're my best friend, not like a family member or partner, y'know?"

That stings just as much. I'm glad to be his friend, but it still stings a bit thinking about how we're nothing more than that.

"Yeah.. I understand." I linger off my sentence. I want to tell him. Tell him we can be more. Tell him I want to be more.

".. do you have something else to say?"


"The way you trailed off like that seems like you had more to say."

"Oh haha, I did, but I changed my mind."

"What was it?"


Do I tell him? I want to tell him so bad. But what if I lose him?


You know what bad? Just do it. Go for it.

I sigh and prepare my sentence. Once I build up enough courage, I drop the bomb on him.

"Skeppy. I don't like being just friends."

Crap. There was quite a lot more to that sentence that didn't escape my mouth.



"WAIT. What do you mean by 'just'?"

I look him in the eyes again. My heart is going crazy, I'm sweaty, my stomach is churning, my face is hot, and I feel so, so vulnerable.

Say it bad. Say it.

"I- I want to be more."

"More..?" He questions, eyes widening and blush spreading across his face.

I take another deep breath.

"I love you, skeppy. Romantically."

He gasps, then smiles.

"Really?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes skeppy, really."

He grins from ear to ear, then suddenly lunges at me and tackles me to the ground in a hug.

"OH MY GOD!!" He squeals, kicking his feet.

Pushing himself onto his hands, I can see the twinkle in his eyes as I lay under him.

"I-I can't believe it!!" He sits up, and I do as well.

Hugging me again, he says something I never thought I'd hear.


My heart stops. He loves me too?


Loves me back.


We both squeal and squeeze the life out of each other. He pulls away, with his hands on my shoulders.

"I can't believe it! I've loved you for so long now but I thought you'd hate me if I told you!"

"You though I'd hate you? I thought you'd hate me!" I say, laughing.

He giggles as well. Once our laughter slowly subsides, we just stare into each other's eyes.

I don't even realize as I start leaning closer, as does he.

I snap out of my trance and realize we're only inches apart. Every muscle in my body tenses.


He snaps to reality and shuffles back, falling onto the grass.

"Oh my god bad I'm sorry I didn't even realize what I was doing I didn't mean to crowd you or move to fast or-"

I lean over and put a hand over his mouth.

"Calm down! It's ok, it just startled me."

He sits up. "So.. Uhm.."

He clearly wants to say something, but doesn't know what.

He takes a second to think, before abruptly turning to grasp my cheeks in his palms.


He leans back, and clears his throat.

"Uhm. Sorry.. can I kiss you?"

His eyes meet mine. I can't believe it! Skeppy wants to kiss me!


I close my eyes, waiting.

It takes a second, but suddenly, i feel soft lips on mine. I relax into the kiss, practically melting into the other man.

I wish I could pause time. I wish this moment could last forever, and we'd never have to pull apart.

Unfortunately, oxygen exists, and we retreat from each other, breathing heavily.

We look at each other, and I see nothing but pure joy in his eyes.

"So.. are you still leaving in 2 days?"

He thinks for a second, before leaning forward to press a quick peck on my lips.

He leans back ever so slightly, and whispers.

"I don't think I could ever leave you now. My fate was sealed the moment I met your eyes."

[The End.]

When I met your eyes//SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now