6. Pining problems

239 9 21

Word count: 1146
(A/N: chapters 4 and 5 are considered to take place on day zero.)

Day one

"What should we do today bad?" Skeppy questions.

We both woke up a while ago thanks to Lucy barking her head off at the mailman, and have just been sitting around.

I made pretty flexible plans for this trip, so I had a few ideas.

"Hmm.. how about we go to the park? It's your first day here so i don't want to do anything to high energy."

"That sounds good! What if we grabbed some pizza on the way?"

"Pizza at a park?" I chuckle. That's such a skeppy idea.


God, he's so adorably enthusiastic. "If that's what you want, then sure." He squeals in excitement and rushes to the spare room, presumably to get dressed.

I follow suit and get off the couch, heading to my room. I trade out my pajamas for a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket.

Afterwards I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair, trying to ignore the gripes I have with my reflection. I don't want to think of that right now.

I finish up by throwing on a pair of socks and tennis shoes. Walking out into the living room I find Skeppy sitting on the couch waiting.

He's dresses casually, wearing a simple blue t-shirt and black pants. He looks nice. I feel myself start to flush for whatever god forsaken reason. It's just like what he was wearing yesterday! Why now is it-

"Took you long enough!"

I'm snapped back to reality by skeppy's playful banter. I just scoff sarcastically at his remark.

"Oh come on! It only took me like 5 minutes! It's not my fault you didn't put as much effort into your appearance as me!"

He gasps in an over exaggerated manner, pretending to be offended.

"How dare you! I'm going home early!"

He can't keep a straight face for long enough to keep the joke going, and dissolves into laughter. I can't help but give in to his contagious giggles and begin laughing myself.

We calm down in short time, but I'm still smiling as I grab my keys off the kitchen counter and walk towards the door, skeppy getting up and following.

I walk with him to my car and we get in, driving to Little Ceaser's and getting a pepperoni pizza and breadsticks.

Skeppy had a hard time refraining from eating it on the drive to the park, but thankfully it was a short drive.

We get there and skeppy laughs at me as I struggle to parallel park.

"It's difficult okay!"

"Pfff- you're just bad at driving dude."

"IM NOT BAD AT DRIVING!" I huff. I'm not really annoyed, but I wanna make him think I am. Of course it doesn't work.

"Whatever you say, BadDriverHalo."

I lightly punch his arm, chuckling. He laughs and gets out of the car, grabbing the food from the backseat.

We find a gazebo and pick the least grimy table, setting the pizza on it. I sit down, expecting skeppy to sit across from me, but instead he seats himself directly next to me, making my stomach flip.

That has to be deliberate. There's a completely empty bench on the other side of the table, yet he sits so close our knees touch?

Maybe the other one is dirty? That's probably it. I doubt he actually wants to be this close to me.

I don't have time to think about this further, as skeppy starts striking up a conversation, which I'm quickly absorbed into.

We sit there for probably an hour as we talk and eat. Before we even realize it, all the food has been eaten.

Skeppy gets to throw the trash away and use the restroom, and I feel a buzz in my pocket and pull out my phone, seeing a new message from ant.
How's it going?

good for the most part :3

For the most part? Is there smthn going wrong?

No! Just a little awkward yk?

Why awkward? You said it wasn't awkward when u and dream met, why is skep different?

Crap. Shouldn't have said anything. What do I say? I mean, I trust ant and it would be kinda nice to tell someone about how I've been feeling..

Well.. I've discovered some new feelings and it scares me, if you know what I mean.


Long story short, yeah.

Wait holy shit is skephalo real?? /hj

Haha very funny. It's only one sided. Also language.

How do you know?

I highly doubt he likes me. Why would he?

It's dumb of you to assume but with the way you said it I know there's no way you'll listen to any argument against that.

Not really sure what that's supposed to mean, but either way I know I'm right. There's no way in hell skeppy feels the same.

Like I told ant, why would he? Why would someone like him ever feel something like that towards someone like me?

I almost start spiraling but thankfully skeppy saves the day without knowing it. He really has a weird tendency to always interrupt my thoughts just as I need him to, huh?

"I'm back!!"

I put my phone back in my pocket and stand up. "What should we do next?" I ask.


Skeppy's eyes scan our surroundings, looking around at the playgrounds and trees scattered throughout the grass lot.

His pupils eventually lock onto something.

"Ooh! Bad look! There's a bench swing!!"

He points behind me and I turn to spot a large oak tree with a swing hanging off of it in the distance.


Skeppy grabs my hand suddenly making butterflies erupt in my stomach, creating warmth that rises straight to my cheeks.

He drags me towards the tree before letting go and sitting down, patting the seat next to him.

I follow and sit down next to him, and he starts using his feet to lightly push back and move the swing.

Neither of us say anything as we watch the sun slowly begin to set. I go to set my hand on the seat in between us, only to be greeted with soft skin instead of wood.

I look down, only to realize I just set my hand directly on top of skeppy's.

My breath bitches as I sneak a quick glance at him. He's looking forward, but is noticeably darker in the apples of his cheeks.

I don't want him to catch me looking, so I quickly turn my head to look at the setting star as well.

It's only day one and I've already had at least 5 gay panic attacks. This is gonna be a long 14 days.

When I met your eyes//SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now