Chapter 17: Match made in Heaven

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Mr. Smith smiles watching the couple busy searching for the one that appealing to them the most. Erik said that he didn't like this kind of things but forced to choose one out of Elsa's order. She said that she wants a paired necklace with him.

As in the business for almost 30 years, Mr Smith encountered countless of human behaviours visiting his shop. From the bickering type, friends, family, you name it. But there's something that special about Erik and Elsa. He felt something unexplainable about their aura together. So he had an idea.

"Well it looks like you two have a hard time choosing huh?". "Well she is really picky. Sorry Mr. Smith". "No worries. Take your time as much as you like. In the mean time, i have something for you two". Said Mr. Smith and went into his house searching for something. Erik and Elsa look at each other confused. Later he come back with a beautifully crafted wooden box.

"This is my special possession that i kept after my wife passed away. In this box is something special belongs to me and my wife. It was meant for two people but that requirement are no longer valid for me". He open the box reveals two of the most beautiful, well crafted paired transparent Chrystals.

Elsa and Erik eyes are open wide seeing the Chrystals. The Chrystals really caught Elsa's eyes but she knows that these Chrystals belongs to Mr. Smith.

"Mr. Smith, why are you showing these to us? It's beautiful if you ask". Said Erik politely.

"I want you to have it. You see, there are two chrystals and only one of me. I don't think that fits the puzzles. Besides, i think that these necklaces fit both of you really well".

"What makes you say that? These chrystals are meant for you. Not us". "Nonsense. This chrystals are meant for anyone that holds the heart and emotions. I want you to try it. Please".

Erik and Elsa look at each other and Erik finally pick up the chrystal necklace and gently put it on Elsa. After he put it on Elsa, he wears the necklace.

At the first second the chrystal doesn't show any difference but after a moment the chrystal turns from colourless to the colour of the wearer's personality. Elsa's chrystal turns into a vibrant purple and Erik is black. Both of the are dumbfounded by the spectacular event they are experiencing.

Mr. Smith smiles and explain to them, "Wonder why each of you are different colour? It matches your whole personality. Elsa's purple because it represents royalty, wealth, nobility, elegance, spiritual and mystery. Black is for power, strength,sophisticated, formality, anonymity, depth and remorse. That is the truth and in the business as long as i am, i can tell it shows you the accurate colour for both of you".

"Wow I- at first, i thought- why would it be black? But after you explained it it kinda make sense. But we still can't accept these. It's yours not ours." Said John relieved.

"Do you love Elsa, Erik?" Ask Mr. Smith blatantly. Erik staggered hearing sudden killer question combined with Elsa's curious eyes set on him. "Of- of course her. I wouldn't be here with here if i wasn't love her" said Erik while blushing a little.

Elsa and Mr. Smith notices the red blushes from Erik and laugh a little. It can't be helped because they saw a rare sight of a big scary man named Erik blushes. It's extremely rare for stranger.

"What about you Elsa? Do you love him?" Ask him knowing her answers well. "Absolutely. Not a single moment i don't love him". Mr. Smith smiles and said, "now both of you hold your hand together". Erik and Elsa hold their hand together.

Magically, their chrystal turn into a bright pink colour. Both of them suprised the second time seeing the Chrystals changed colours.

"You see, pink is the colour of love, romance, caring, acceptance, tenderness, and nurture. The chrystals felt the connection between both of you and turn into pink. Only both of you will make it change colour. If anyone beside Erik wears the chrystal, it will not ignite at all. That's why the chrytals belongs to you now. I don't take no for an answer this time. Just take it as my appreciation for your service protecting this kingdom."

"Thank you Mr. Smith. I will take good care of it". And he hugs him. Elsa also thanks him for the chrytals. She really admires it.

They both leaving Mr. Smith's stall and went straight to the ice cream stall because Erik is peckish waiting Elsa looking for accessories.

Mr. Smith just watching them from a far with a big smile on his face. " What a match made in heaven. I just hope that you can see what i see right now, Mary".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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