Chapter 7: Reasons

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"I have my own reasons". Erik suddenly opens up. Elsa suprised to hear his sudden confession.

"You have your own reasons? What do you mean? Something happen?" Ask Elsa curiously.

"I told you i don't trust you all" said Erik coldly. He gets up from the table and wash the dishes then exit the dining hall. Elsa just standing there like a statue with a confusion plus anger reaction. But she feels sad and guilty at the same time because she done this countless of time to Anna when they're younger. "Serve you right Elsa! This is your punishment for doing this to Anna" said Elsa in her mind.

Elsa search for Erik around the castle but none prevailed. When she goes to royal garden, she smiles as she expected to be here just for sure. She sits besides him.

"Look. If I've done anything wrong to you, I'm truly sorry. I really am. But please don't shut me out like this. I'm raised as a Princess so I'm used to behave like a princess. That is a really difficult habit to change". Plead Elsa.

"It's not you that are the problem. It's me. The problem is me. You all are very good people. But what I'm against is, is the marriage"

"Why Erik? Is it because of me? Am i not beautiful enough for you? Am i too boring for you? Just tell me Erik" Ask Elsa curiously.

He looks at her. When he does that Elsa feel a blood rushing to her face. She's blushing. She never seen his face this close. She realize his face has lost something. Something called happiness.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Everyone that i love have been killed when they're with me". Elsa gasp while covering her mouth. She suddenly felt terrified when she heard the forbidden word.

Erik sigh, "We vikings have rule for our tribes or now they call kingdoms. Every kingdom of viking must obey the sacred rule and that rule is to sacrifices one person as a blessing to keep their kingdom safe and protected. A woman is the most perfect candidate. My father is one heck of a warrior. He would never agree on this dark ritual. So he fight against them. My mother and i was there when my father was killed brutally by the Kings that participated in the ritual. Can you imagine a mother and a boy witness her husband and his dad lost his life infront of their eyes? I was next inline for the throne so i was expected to obey the rules if i don't want to accept the same fate as my father. Of course I won't accept the ritual but guess what I'm still alive up to this day! But for the people around me suffered the consequences more than myself. Friends and even lovers. Luckily my mother is strong too that she can take care of herself." Said Erik proudly.

Elsa hearing the sad story doesn't realize that tears falling from her eyes. Erik realize Elsa is crying comforts her,"Hey, why are you crying?". "I'm so sorry to hear that. That's a horrible story. I can't help myself". "Don't worry. Im fine! See? Besides it's already a long time ago. That's why I keep a distance between myself and relationships. It always ends terribly".

"Well plus the bad attitude, i wonder why the relationships end badly" Elsa said with half-joking. Erik just smiles hearing her joke. Elsa's smile grew even bigger as she see Erik smiles. That is something that Elsa never seen before. They both make an eye contact. This time Elsa take a good look on his eyes. She realize that his eyes colour remind her something. Something that she has forgotten a long time ago.

Why does his eyes look so familiar? What is this? Why am i feeling deja vu? A strong one? Then memory came in like a wave of ocean from the their first meeting when they're younger.

"Do you remember, Erik?"

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