Chapter 8: Reunited by Memories

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"Do you remember, Erik?"

Ask Elsa with a passion plus worry in her voice. "Remember what exactly? Im sorry im confused right now". Answers her in a bit confusion.

Elsa felt disappointed but she tries again but with more details."15 years ago, in this very garden, there was a boy who gave a chocolate truffle to the white hair girl as a gift"

Erik make his face turned into more confused look with slightly tilted head. "I'm seriously have no idea of what you're talking about"

Elsa felt very sad hearing Erik's answer making her almost cry. She turns away and said "I'm sorry. I guess i got the wrong person" and started to slowly walk away.

"You mean this chocolate truffle?" Erik said suddenly. Elsa shocked a little a nd turn around.

She look at Erik while showing something in his hand. In his hand is a chocolate with the exact same shape of the truffle she gave him 15 years ago.

"Yo- you remember it?" Ask Elsa with shaky voice suppressing his tears

"Of course i still remember it. How can i ever forget the most beautiful memory in my life along with beautiful woman in it. Well technically a girl. I'm just not expect that woman is you"

Elsa couldn't contain her tears anymore and started bursting her tear and runs toward him proceeds to hug him tightly.

"You know how long i waited this moment in my life? Why didn't you say anything" Elsa said with relief and frustration.

"I told you. I have my own reasons. I would never forgive myself if anything happen to you especially YOU." Said Erik.

" Well you don't have to worry about that anymore. We can fight them together. I know you are strong if not the strongest. Nobody can harm us. Besides i got my powers so nothing can harm us".

Erik just standing there with a visible worried expression on his face. He wants to hug her but hesitated because he is still unsure of the situation.

"Please Erik. I promise to be the best wife that you longed for. Please. If you do not accept me, there's no man in the world i would rather be together until the end of my life. My powers and i only accept you". Plead Elsa still hugging him tightly.

Erik let out a big, deep sigh. "Okay. I accept you". Elsa looks up to him with relief and tears of happiness starts to flowing her cheeks. "Thank you Erik". Then they both leaning forward for a kiss. The kiss lasted long and passionate.

Their kiss is being watched by the Royal family and Erik's mother at the front gate of the garden. They were peeking them from the moment before they kiss. Queen Lyra felt so proud of her son that she drop some tears from her eyes. She glad his stubborn and stoic son finally accept someone in her life other than his mother.

"Looks like we have a wedding ceremony to prepare" said Queen Iduna. "I wholeheartedly agree" said Queen Lyra.

They release the kiss and their foreheads touch together. "I will make sure nothing will harm you my love" said Erik with such confidence and determination to Elsa.

At the royal dining hall. All of the families are set early at their seats eagerly waiting the new couple for lunch. They were very excited to see them especially Anna and Olaf.

Then the hall door finally open and the awaited couple enters the room. Everybody just look at them with a big smirk on their faces.

Erik and Elsa look at them. "What? Why are you all looking at us like that?" Ask Erik. They stop looking at them and eating their food but the smiles still not fade . Then they sit down at their seat side by side.

Queen Lyra covering her smile keeping a straight face asking Erik, "Where did you go Erik? We didn't see you back then?". "I was just taking a walk around the castle, clearing my mind". "Oh. So... Did you settle the problem?" Ask her with a faint smirk.

Erik jolted a little hearing his mother's question. Erik look at Elsa try to make eye contact but Elsa just eating her lunch pretending like nothing happen. "Well err... it's complicated" answers Erik nervously.

"Really? How complicated?" Tease Lyra even more. Erik become more nervous and his mind is blank doesn't know what his his mother that he started to sweat.

"This complicated" said Elsa then Elsa kiss him on the cheek and continue her lunch. Everybody in the hall are so surprised to see the unexpected move especially by someone like Elsa.

"Well.. that should be enough" said Lyra satisfied. "I think everyone in this hall deserve to know how it's all happen leading to this moment Elsa" ask Iduna.

Elsa wipes her mouth with the royal handkerchief graciously. She clears her throat and starts explaining from how they met.

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