Chapter 12

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"Erik? Erik~ Wake up dear~" One melodious voice sounded knitting Erik from his deep sleep. Erik just responded with a grunts and mumbles. Elsa just smiles. "Erik~wake up. The sun's already up. So you have to get up". Elsa is not easily the one to give up. She's used to wake up people that the same as Erik. Take Anna for example.

Erik open his eyes a little. Faintly, he sees Elsa standing in front of him already dress up nicely. The smell of her sweet cologne are going through his nose. The smell is to strong for Erik to ignore. He finally wakes up from his sleeps.

He rubs his eyes and yawn vigorously. "You look good. Smells nice too. Going somewhere?" Ask him.

Elsa tilts her head," Didn't you said you want to take me to an adventure? To show me the beauty of your world? Hehehe. I was eagerly looking forward to it." Ends her words with a smiles.

Erik are blinded by her glimmering smiles that he had to block his eyes from her smiles. "Okay2. Just stop doing that. I'll be ready as soon as possible." Elsa just giggles a little and leave the room for him to ready.

Erik get up from his bed and perfoms his morning light workout to rushing his blood pump. Then he goes straight to the showers.

After quite some time, he went to the kitchen hall. He enters the kitchen hall and sees his mother and Elsa are ready at their seats. He was surprised to see that a variety of foods had been served on the table. All of the food looking very mouth-watering and delicious that his stomach started to growl viciously.

He quickly sat on his seats and starts to devouring the food like he hasn't eat in months. Lyra and Elsa just giggles watching him eat like a little kid eating their favourite candy.

"Wow. This food is heavenly. Ive never eaten this delicious food in ages. Bring me the chef!" Exclamed Erik.

"You're looking right at her Erik. The chef is right in front of you." Said Lyra pointing at Elsa with her eyes.

Erik looks at Elsa with a impressed reaction. "So you weren't kidding when you said you love cooking". "Why would i lied about it? The truth is always absolute". Said Elsa proudly.

"Well some of my previous wifes lied. They said they can make absolutely anything that i desire but failed miserably. I even almost had a food poisoning!"

"You can stop worrying about that from now on Erik. I've seen her cook earlier and even i was impressed on how skillful she cooks. Your tummy will love her even more" said Lyra. Elsa blush a little embarrassed by her praises.

"Well, I must be the luckiest man to know you Elsa." Said Erik. Erik's words really struck her fragile heart. Her heart explode with happiness hearing the man he care the most praises her. Her face turned really red of the embarrassment.

"Well, that's enough compliment for you. Now let's get outside and see our life as a viking." Said Erik and get up to go to the sink.

They both walking around Erik's viking kingdom. Elsa is fascinated by the freshness of Bjarneyjar air. So clean and unpolluted. Elsa's eyes are also being attracted to the garden and nicely trim trees that they kept. It's like a tree house that being taken good care of.

Then they arrived at a specific building. Elsa seeing the enormous building with awe. "What is this place?". "Come in and see it for yourself" reply Erik while pull her hand gently to the main entrance.

Along the way at the entrance hall, there are cheers and horns blowing become more louder as each step.

"What is that dear?" Ask Elsa curious. "You'll see" said Erik with just a short answer with a smile on his face.

Finally, they reach the main entrance but Elsa notice that the entrance gate is quite strange. It almost look like a cage door but with the door additions.

Elsa look at him with a little worried expression. Erik just assures her,"It's fine. Im here. We got something special for you" said Erik with a smirk. Elsa just gulp with nervousness waiting for the upcoming suprise.

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