Chapter 13: Duel of Love

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After they passed the big gate, after the bright light shimmering their eyes faded, everything is clear to both of them. What Elsa see is a big battle arena like the coliseum but smaller in size.

Elsa is bewildered by the sight of the arena. The built looked old and classic but functional. There are spectators already filling up the arena excited to enjoy the show prepared for them.

"Uhmm dear? Why are we here?" Ask Elsa started to get worried about what about to happen.

"This is the divine battle arena. Vikings extremely respect all battles. We settle our problems with a battle whether it's for our kingdom or even for personal reason. Any battle we treat it with respect. This arena will hold any battle as long as agreement attain. But also if someone wants to show off their skills and smug, this also the place for them." Answers him.

"Wow. That's great dear. But aren't we suppose to watch it at the crowd seat? Why are we INSIDE of it?!" Ask her in confusion plus angry.

" Well that's a good question. You see, this arena will hold any battles. Even for couples. Vikings in this kingdom have a specific tradition for couples especially for the one for getting married. Couples must officially at least duel ones another for deepen their love and bond. Sounds stupid but in here, that's the key ingredients for happy marriage." Explain Erik with a smirk.

Elsa is perplexed by Erik's words. "Duel?! I never battle with someone in my life. Not officially. I will not battle with you for 2 reasons. 1, i love you and 2, iam fully aware of your capability in battle. So no thanks".

"Aww come on. We're just gonna have a little fun. Besides, I'll take a easy on you hot legs" insist him while taking out his big battle axe.

"Your idea of fun is extremely the opposite of my idea of fun. The answer is still no!" said Elsa with slightly serious tone.

The crowd started to chant "Come on, Elsa!" Loudly to change her mind.

"Still no" said Elsa again.

"Okay how about this, the rules are yours to decide. Once i accept your rule, you are automatically considered as my opponent. Oh and you can use your powers too but don't use it too much"

"Alright. If that's the case, the rules are simple. No bloods, no cuts, no stabbing, no bruises and no hitting each other. The winner will be declared when one's palm touches the back of the opponent. That is the rules." Elsa explain with such details.

"What? No bloods, no cuts? Aww man that is just boringgg" said one of the crowd.

The crowd started to boo Elsa for the such boring rule. They want to see blood, a epic battle until one can't stand, the exciting sight of the pure manly and womanly fight between battle.

"Whoa2 Okay everyone! If that's what she wants, then i must obey it. Her rules not mine" said Erik while throwing his axe to the wall.

"So, are you ready, Elsa?" Said Erik getting into battle position. "Remember Erik. The rules. Just the palm." Reply Elsa while getting into her battle position also.

The announcer shouts" Fight!!!"

Erik run full speed towards Elsa without any hesitation. Elsa is shock on how fast he is despite his large size. In under a seconds, he already a few meters from her. Elsa shoot her ice magic towards him and Erik just dodges the attack with his abnormal agility.

He started to run towards her again but with zig zag side steps to confuse Elsa. Elsa is sure bite the trap but she have an idea. She freeze the floor making Erik slip on the ice. She backs up more to avoid being caught.

"Clever girl"Said Erik withba smile. He gets up and skating towards her in such hilarious technique. Everyone in the crowd laughing out loud seeing the goofy technique presented purposely by Erik to entertain the crowd.

Erik almost reach Elsa but Elsa make a small mountain in the way of Erik's slide. He flew across the arena and hit the wall pretty hard that it crack the wall. He drop to the ground with his "lifeless" body.

Elsa gasp seeing her lover drop to ground after hitting the wall quite hard. She rushes to him with worried to check whether he's okay or not.

"Are you okay dear? I'm so sorry! I didn't know you would crash into wall". No response. "No no no please no! Don't leave me Erik! Not again!" Elsa is crying while holding his frozen body on the ground.


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