This was not necessary.

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I started walking around searching for Izuku or any hint on who the killer is until I kinda walked into amurder scene. There was Izuku and he basically was standing there with blood all around it. I mean I could immediately tell that it was fake blood but it looked soo well on him. Then the next problem were the drones which completly broken laying on the ground as well.

Did he broke the drones?

Where did he even get the fake blood?


Damn he looks good covered in blood.

I like this side from him.

Now thing was... there was definitelly someone laying on the ground and I was sure it was not a hero in training cause that face was one of the gen ed class students.

Me: Hey~

Call me an idiot for crying out loud but I had to since he already saw me and started approaching me as well. Was it really neccessary for him to appraoch me like this and a dagger in his hands. I mean everyone with a schooled eye could tell that the knife was actually not sharp at all and couldn't harm anyone. Then looking at it again, it was definitelly covered with fake blood.

Me: Ohhh I get it. Support course made that knife. 

Izuku: Are you not afraid?

Me: Why should I?

Izuku: I am playing the villain role.

Me: Nope not at all.

Izuku: ...

In contrary what he believed, I started approaching him as well and also walked to the side looking at him and then at the one laying on the ground. He really did a good job. Tho I couldn't really understand why he would actually get the drones off the sky.

Me: You did a really good job.

Izuku: Ahm thanks.

Me: No joke, honestly this is really good.

Izuku: Thank you.

Me: Why did you get the drones off the sky?

Izuku: I didn't wanted to disappoint All Might by being the villain in this game.

Me: Ohh I see.

Izuku: How many are there from you guys?

Me: 10 people including me and besides your class there is no one here.

Izuku: You do know I am the villain and your enemy in this excercise, right?

Me: I do but there wasn't a saying that I couldn't help you.

Izuku: Now that you mention it.

Me: Soo how about?

Izuku: Why not. Two are better than one after all.

Me: Yeiy.

You know there was tone in his voice that made me a bit sceptical and thankfully I knew how to read ones voice well. I mean he was lying to me and not only that but in the next moment he attacked me as well. Did he really think that he was a match for me while not using his quirk at all?! Well that was really foolish of him.

Oh you will regret this.

How dare you try and trick me?!

I am a real villain!

I know all these littel tricks all to well!

Did you really think I would not notice that?

Your movement, the way you look at me, and your guard up?


The first attack was him trying to slash me but I just simply dodged that and backed away. The next time he came at me a bit more dangerously but you know what? If you are sent to fight of nomus and train with them, this will be nothing but childs play. I mean I was counting under the crazy ones but the thing is, I was not crazy! Not at all! In fact I did like blood and the crazier I displayed myself the more they let me fight Nomus and test out my skills. This was how I managed to develop some insane reaction skills as well as some pretty good precise attacking skills. 

What Izuku now displayed was good but not good enough.

He was was fast, he was agile but he was not useing his quirk and I could tell that he was soo much weaker without it. Then there was another problem as well. He was too focused on one area of my throat or my chest to not see the overall picture. No wonder since he was a hero in training and they train to defend as well as knock out heroes and not kill them. What this kid in front of me was lacking is just training and nothing more.

Of course I decided to play a little bit with him before dodging the attack and then getting behind his back and knocking him out.

Me: Oh Izu~ 

We could have simply talked you know....

This was soo not neccessary but this will make it easier.

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