Ooop... what did I just got into?

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A/N: This is Toga's POV until said otherwise.

Me and the other members of the LOV were sitting around the table thinking today was such a boring day. No it might be just me but oh well... I didn't care much about it anyways. All I did want was to actually go on a stabby stabby spree or maybe find Izubabe. He looked cute and honestly I thought it would be soo much fun to play with him but you know what? He was a hero in training and I was the villain... we don't mix well like water and oil.


I don't know how many times I said that until now but I was really getting bored. Even the knife in my hand was bored so that it was, with my help of course, digging into the wooden table and carving something in it. Oh look it says blood! Me and my knife are of the same type. We both enjoy blood, we both enjoy watching pain and yet here we are doing what? Waiting.... yeah no. That was soo not acceptable.

Dabi: Shut it.

Me: But I am bored!

Dabi: And you think only because you are bored we are not?

Me: Then let's do something!

Dabi: What?

Me: Why not kidnapp a student.

Spinner: That worked out great last time!

Me: Come on! I have a plan!

Shiagaraki: You?

Me: Yeah me.

Shigaraki: Let me guess... go stabby stabbby on someone?

Me: How did you know?

Do you really think I am that stupid?

Of course I would go stabby stabby but that's not a fucking plan!

I can shape shift...

If men found out that I can do this and am not that stupid... 

They will hunt me down.

What you think why I just show you my damn bloody side?

UFFF.... men!

They always think there is just this one side of a girl!


I am hurt!

I looked at Shigaraki and rolled my eyes before standing up and exciting the bar where we were hiding. I couldn't believe they were thinking this little of me and then even scream HEY at me while I was leaving. This was definitelly just telling me how much they trust me and I knew they thought about me like I was a carzy blood addicted bitch! Guess what, I wasn't only a bloody bitch! I could also do things! Why else did I manage to survive this long without the LOV, huh? 

Me: Stupid men!

While I was outside I decided quickly to do something more fun. So what did I do? I kinda ended up walking into a shopping mal and of course I did cut someone on the way here but just while passing them so I could shapeshift into them and walk around without getting noticed. Well I didn't really had a plan besides SHOPPING and spending all the LOV's money on stupid things to feel a lot better but hey they deserve it and no one dared to actually come at me becaus I was a carzy ass bitch anyways.


Isn't that the UA uniform?


I could sneak into UA and see if they have something more entertaining going on.

As crazy as this sounded, I decided to go for it and trailed these 3 girls the whole day till they splitt up and started going home. One of them walked into a direction I was all to familiar with and decided to follow that girl and you know I was still a villain so the moment we were alone on the streets I kinda pulled her into an alley and you know.... I did what every good villain would do and eliminated any source which could get me busted. Of course I also took enough blood and then kinda opened up that gutter lid and after skinning her face and getting rid of her finger prints, I threw her down there and took the skin pieces with me to the next bridge and threw that one away. After that I just changed clothes and drank her blood to shapeshift, took her phone called the police because there was soo much blood around me when I got back and I got blood on that bitches clothes. Still I was carefull that there wouldn't be any blood around the gutter lid or having any wounds. 

Soo what should I say?


I know!

I found a body and then I found something else....

I got actually knocked out and then there was nothing here....

Shiggy would kill me for this stunt because Mamagiri has to get me out of the police station but I think it's a pretty solid excuse.

I mean there are soo many damn villains who would rob people but don't wanna kill them!

I will just say I saw that and the victim used some kind of quirk then a lot of blood, I get knocked out by the villain on the run and the victim also ran because they got scared.


I got my excuse!

Now let's do it!

You know by the time they found the damn dead body, I would definitely be done with whatever I was about to do and you know what... I knew from experience that down there in the sewage system lived a couple of strange animals like someone threw a damn crocodile down there! It lived there happily and I knew it cause I saw it once on the run and after that never ever went there again.

The goal of everything I just did was simple. I got the parents of the dead girl to pick me up and now all I had to do was act it out and done.

Oh little did I know what kind of school UA was and how crazy the principal was!

If anyone would have told me that I would just run into a hero vs villain excercise and be there in the gen ed course and a civilian, I would have said ahm okay... but if they had told me that they were actually having a damn underground city, I would have said let's go check out your mind cause that is crayz and not realistic.... well guess I was wrong....

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