part 11

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With that resolved, we reconvened in the classroom during our lunch to discuss strategy. Horikita had been reluctant to participate, but thanks to Kushida's persuasive tears, she agreed to join. As for the person of interest, even if Sudou said he didn't care and compromised, he could easily become stubborn in critical situations. While thinking about how it could become difficult at any moment, I kept silent.

"Can we really prove Sudou's innocence tomorrow?" Kushida asked.

"Your class has no choice but to prove it." Shibata looked at them with pity.

"Of course we will. It's obvious that I was set up. I'm definitely innocent. Right?" Sudo said.

Why do you ask them if you are innocent or not? You yourself must know the truth. But of course, proving that without proper evidence is difficult." Katsuragi stated.

"Which makes me wonder, how did you test it?" Nishikawa asked.

"It will probably show up later." Hirata said.

"Oh, okay."

Isn't it already obvious though?'

They simultaneously looked at Horikita for her opinion. Horikita simply ate her bread in silence, either because she couldn't answer or because she found the argument annoying.

"Hey, Horikita. What do you think?" Sudou, clearly unable to read the room, approached Horikita.

"Don't bring your dirty face so close to me."


"HA HA HA HA mate, your face must have been so dirty that Horikita didn't want it anywhere near hers." Ike laughed at Sudo, who glared at him.

"N-It's not dirty." Sudou was trembling. Perhaps he was injured by that unexpected blow?

I can't help but be taken aback by your belief that your innocence can be easily proven. Although he has obtained evidence that works in his favor, he is still at a very disadvantageous situation."

"But we have a witness who knows I'm innocent, and the other guys were real jerks back in the day. That should be enough, right? Those guys are bad news." Sudou, completely blind to his own shortcomings, haughtily crossed his legs and nodded his head.

"I know, I know. Having Sakura as a witness didn't really make a difference since she's in our class." sweat complained. The students who opened their mouths closed it again.

"Who are you and what have you done to Ken?" Yamauchi asked.

"Huh?! Hey, I'm Ken. What the hell are you talking about?!" Sudo yelled.

"Stop talking! Some of us are trying to look in peace, you know that?" snapped Karuizawa.

"I'm sorry."

"Ah hey, wait a second! I'm still reading that! Put it back!"

"Okay, isn't it? Anyway, I paid half of it. I'll pay you back later."

Ike and Yamauchi flipped through a weekly manga magazine. I guess they had been quietly reading manga while we had our important meeting. Considering their bitter tears at having no points at all, it seemed incredible to me that they still managed to buy a magazine every week.

Ike and Yamauchi smiled sheepishly.

"He he".

"You class D really surprised me every time." Ryuuen laughed.

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