46.Pregnant ladies are Dangerous..

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(Is there anybody like this?? Because your author is like this only on her holidays...)

Ne-(laughing)What really??

Ar-(laughing nervously)He is just joking Aunty haha...

Na- By the way Nandu are you sure you are pregnant with twins..

N-Ya the doctor said that only..

Na-But are you a little bit more big than a pregnant with twins mother I have seen many of them in hospital but you are more fat..

N-(crying)Are you are you calling me..

M- No no baby she is not calling you fat...

N-(crying)How do you know I was going to tell fat that means you also think so...

C-Navya baby what happened to you why are you crying??

Na-(crying)Actually I didn't I didn't mean ahh..

Ab-(oh God pregnant ladies are Dangerous)

N-(Smiling)No babes don't cry this is due to Manik (glaring at him)I am crying he was only focusing on the fat word more that's why only I am crying..

M-But baby..

N-(cutting him off)Don't cry ok..



Na-And you know what you are not fat actually my nieces or nephews are healthy...(laughing)

N-(laughing)Ya ya you are right by the way come let's do for baby online shopping today..

Na- Ya you are right come let's go..

And both run to Manan room..

M & C - Slow down Don't run..


D-Type of Mood swings

Ar-(Shouting)Was that??

M & C- You all will also know when your partner will be pregnant..

Ar- oh thank God I am safe from that thing than..

M- What do you mean??

Ar-(nervously)Means I will be forever single and so no pregnant ladies to handle....

C- What man you don't have a girlfriend???

M- Are no he never had a girlfriend..He is forever single...

Ar-ok leave about me tell when you are going to Marry infront of us..

R-Ya this correct you two have married secretly when will you marry infront of us...

Mu- Ya ya I have so many dreams about my twinie's marraige when will you marry...

M-(blushing)Umm whenever you all want...

C- (teasing)Oh ho see our new blushing bride..


R-Ok leave that now I will call the pandit ji and discuss about your both Rika first ok...

M-Yes dad...I have no problem..

D-Oh yeh by the way I forgot to tell you we have an online interview to attend..

M-Online interview??

C-Ya Manik actually I don't want anyone to question your and Nandu's relationship so we arranged it to clear everything..I cannot tolerate anyone badmouthing my sister and her husband...

M-Ok and Thanks guys..

C , A , Mu & D- Ab tu Hume thanks kahega kamina..



And within no time "Yes" filled in the message box after all after a long the most favorite band is giving their interview...

Ho-Good evening guys..

Fab5- Good evening everyone...

Ho-Ya so let's start our interview what say guys..

M- Yes..

Ho- So my first question is for Mr.Malhotra..

Manik rolled his eyes in his mind and gave the host a fake smile..of course he was expecting that..

Ho- So Mr.Malhotra what do you have to say about the pictures with Ms.Murthy...

M- Well first of all its not Ms.Murthy it Mrs.Malhotra. It's true we are pregnant and going to be parents soon..

Ho- But according to the sources you both are lifetime enemies..So was this a mista..

M-Dare you complete the sentence..me and Nandu are in relationship from last 15 years and now why we are in secret relationship I don't think it is necessary for the world to know..it was our personal issue so we avoided public appreanance..

Ho- So she is your really girlfriend and not some fling..

C- Dude do you think any brother will stay with someone who played with his sister.. sorry dude I love my baby sis and I will never tolerate that and as a friend of MANIK I know my friend well he never had any fling so no worries..

Ho- Oh so now Nandini is pregnant any further plans..

Mu-Well that time will tell .

Dh-So I hope everyone doubts are clear??

Ho- Ya for now..

Al-So bye everyone the interview is over...





Words limit- 1300.

Manan ff Secret relationship of lifetime enemies Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora