The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela

Start from the beginning

"Shit! I told them to go easy on you. Damnit! Stupid bastards." I heard the kid mutter. I remembered the voice.

"Alex?" I mumbled weakly.

"In the flesh." He responded half-heartedly. He untied the blindfold from my eyes. I looked into the pair of eyes that greeted me. A pair of sparkling blue eyes with green speckles. Probably the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen. I shook my head. This kid is a lunatic. He freaking kidnapped you and subjected you to this torture. "I'm going to move you restraints to the front so you can eat. Do you promise not to kill me during the process?" He asked looking at me and I nodded. He untied my arms and I immediately punched him. He caught both of my hands and looked at me. "Ela, I don't think you want to start this shit with me today because we both know who would win." He whispered before tying my hands in a softer fabric. I looked down to see the soft cotton that soothed and comforted my wrists. He places a plate in front of me and I just looked at it then back up at him. I don't think I could eat anything right now, I was so dehydrated.

"You thirsty?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded. He reached into his bag and got out a bottle of water. He opened it for and then handed it to me and I took it and downed the bottle in seconds. Then I ate the sandwich. He handed me another opened bottle of water and took the plate from me. I downed that bottle in seconds and he took it.

"I'm gonna clean up your cuts now." He said with a first aid kit. He cleaned all my cuts, but didn't bandage them. Probably knowing he'd get in trouble for helping me more than he should. Why is he helping me more than he should?

"Jerry. How is he?" I asked slowly.

"Alive." He said simply. I knew that was the most I was going to get on his condition and I had bigger fish to fry while he was still here.

"Who are you?" I asked looking at him.

"I already told you. Alex Parker." He said looking confused.

"No, who are you? We first met and you tell me I'm still beautiful. You said you told whoever they are to go easy on me. I punch you in the face, pretty hard, and instead of beating the crap out of me like any other person here would you let it go. In fact you try to make me comfortable by tying my wrists in soft cloth. You feed me when I haven't been fed in who knows how long. You are being good to me. You're more than likely over stepped your boundary by helping me so much already. So Alex, who are you?" I said seriously looking up at him. His face kind of fell and shook his head.

"I'm nobody." He said shaking his head.

"No, you are somebody. They wouldn't let just anyone in here with me. You'd need some type of clearance. They've been after me for a while. And I know that if the Circle had me, which I'm sure that's where I am, they would only let upper level people come in to see me. So you... you are in the upper level." I said seriously.

"You're too smart for your own good do you know that?" He asked just as seriously.

"Yes. I do know that." I said nodding.

"I could get killed for telling you the things you want to know." He said coming closer to me.

"I can bet that just coming in here could get you killed." I said unflinching.

"So you want me dead?" He asked squatting in front of me.

"No, I'm just using the fact that you came in here well aware of the possible consequences." I muttered noticing how close he truly was. I don't know why I was so tempted to bring my hands to his face and just touch him. He sighed and backed away from me.

"Yes, you're at the Circle's Headquarters. Yes, I'm amongst the upper Circle members. And yes I have the clearance to see you, but I'm not supposed to. Yes, I know what they are planning on doing with you. No I'm not going to tell you, and no there is nothing you can do to force that information out of me. Just know I'm working on getting you out of this stupid room and out of bondage, you're not a freaking animal." He said that last part angrily.

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