Chapter 19

464 17 4

23rd September 1990
3rd person POV:

Quickly Mike rises from his bed hand slamming on his alarm clock trying to make the loud ringing to stop. The boy rubbed his tired eyes and slowly got up from his bed and walking towards his closet picking out a new outfit.

Mike walked out of his room and into the bathroom. The boy took off his sleeping clothes off and put on his new freshly clean ones on. Before the boy left the bathroom his brushed his mangled and tangled hair then brushed his teeth.

Mike really didn't feel like going into school today, all the boy wanted to do was sleep all day and not have to go to school and have to do endlessly amount of work. You would think that once he got home from school the boy could finally take a break from his exhausting and enthusiastic day at school but that's were you are wrong. When Mike gets home he still have millions of pieces of homework due for the next day that he has to get done which takes him hours and sometimes he even misses dinner because of his stupid homework.

Mike just wants to get the day over with already and it had barely just started. As Mike left the bathroom he was suddenly pushed out of the way by his sister who shouted a quick sorry before slamming the door shut. The messy haired boy let out an exhausted sigh before he made his way downstairs into the kitchen. The smell of bacon and eggs invading his nostrils suddenly making him extremely hungry, Mike didn't even realise how hungry he truly was until he saw a plate filled with food on the table.

The boy rushed towards the table and started to gobble down as food and before he knew it the food was all gone, plate completely cleaned off. Mike stood up and put his now empty plate in the sink before he went to the shoe rack and slipped on his shoes then swinging his backpack over his one shoulder. The tall boy shouted his goodbyes to his family but was greeted with complete silence, Mike sighed to himself before closing the door behind me loudly to let his parents know that he had now left for school but like they would care anyways.

Mike grabbed his bike and started to make his way toward hell it's self that calls it self school.

The wind brushed through Mikes hair making his tangled hair even more tangled and messy if that was even possible. The cold air made Mikes cheeks and nose slightly red.

Mike wished that his parents cared more about him, he wished that his mom and dad would pay more attention towards him when he tried to speak to them but all they care about is Holly, little Holly. Mikes knows it's not Holly's fault that his parents treat him the way that they do, honestly Holly is the cutest most adorable kid on earth and she's the sweetest little thing ever but something Mike can't help but imagine what his life would be like if Holly never existed. Would his life still be the same, would his parents still pay nearly zero attention to the boy or would he get all the attention and would his parents actually care about him. Mike knows he shouldn't be thinking about all of this but he just can't stop thinking about it even if the boy tries.

Before Mike knew it he was already at school. Mike placed his bike in the bike rack and walked up to a all too familiar boy standing by the schools doors.

God Mike loved Will so much it was insane, he just wishes he could have the courage to tell the boy how he truly felt about him, how he wished he could hold the boys hand all day and all night, how he wished he could hug the boy everyday for hours on end, and how he wished he could kiss his red li- "Mike, are you okay?" Mike's thought suddenly came to a stop as he looked down slightly to see Will right in front of him.

Was he spaced out? Omg thats so embarrassing. "Oh- hey Will" Mike stutter out slightly smiling at the boy as the boy smiled back at him "did you have a nice weekend?" Mike nodded his head before replying with proper words "yeah, what about y-" once again the boy was cut off but not by a voice this time but by that stupid bell telling us that it's time to go in.

Will waved goodbye to Mike as his walked into the school. The boy sighed once more before he made his way into the school.


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a long time but I will try and post more frequently. Also I have started to make two new story's so if you would like to check them out you can! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night <333

 Also I have started to make two new story's so if you would like to check them out you can! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night <333

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is my new story I'm making and I would really appreciate it if you guys would read it! <3

Word count: 870

Bitten ~  Byler ( where Will Byers is Spider-Man )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora