Chapter 18❤️‍🔥

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<Bucky's POV>
💭when Wanda said Y/n was gone my heart sank deep, this is all because of me... she's gone because of me! I how she's okay. Maybe she's at her uncles or with those Winchesters. Shall I call her? She won't answer me for sure. I just really hope I didn't mess it too much this time. God Bucky you really gotta stop this!💭

Steve: BUCK!

Bucky: Huh? what?

Steve: Do you have any idea what you've just done!?

Bucky: I-

Wanda: Steve she's not answering my calls please we have to find her.

Steve: I'm sure she's just gone to her uncles.

Wanda: You better be right.

*Bucky gets up and locked himself in his room, he paces back and forth on the balcony. He goes back into his room and throws his chair across the room, aggressively pushes all his products off his table and screams in frustration*

Nat: Should we check on him?

Steve: Let him let it all out.

<End of Bucky's POV>

<back to you>

Tw- mentions torture, abuse and kidnapping

*You took one of Tony's cars and started speeding your way to Bobby's house, your head was pounding your eyes were red and pooled with tears. You breathed heavily trying to concentrate on the road, not looking where you were going a truck beeps it's horn which wakes you up instantly so you swerved back into the right lane, you soon arrived at Bobby's who's door was wide open. You grab your gun and creep into the house*

Y/n: Bobby...?

*There was no answer, you crept into Bobby's room to see some guy sitting on a chair*

Y/n: Who are you? Where's Bobby?

??: Ah Y/n! I've been expecting you... my men told me you were on your way here.


Dick:The names Dick. Dick Roman.

*He hold out his hand but you don't shake it*

Y/n: Where's Bobby?

Dick: On a hunt with Sam and Dean.

Y/n: So he's okay?

Dick: Yeah. Do anything stupid and he won't be.

Y/n:What are you going to do?

Dick: That's for me to know.

*Two men come out of nowhere and put a bag over your head, tying your hand with rope*


*You're kicking and screaming but there's no point, no one can hear you no one can see you and no one will help you*

Y/n: Please! Don't!

*You black out. You find yourself awakening in a cold, dark and dingy place, your hands chained and your feet tied with rope*

Y/n:Hello? Is anyone there?

Dick: Finally! You're awake.

Y/n: Why are you doing this?

Dick: To lure the Winchesters of course! They are killing off my kind.

Y/n: Your kind?

Dick: I'm a leviathan.

Y/n: From purgatory? But how?

Dick: Castiel broke the dimensional seal.

Y/n: Cass wouldn't do that!

Dick: He attempted to try and become stronger in order to win the war in heaven.

Y/n: I-

Dick: Shshsh! The less you know the better. Now my men over here will do what they need to do and I'll be seeing the Winchesters and your dear uncle.

Y/n: If you hurt them I swear I'll-

Dick: You'll what? K*ll me? You can't.

*He walks out*


<Bucky's POV>

*Bucky sat in his room for hours, no one knew what he was doing and everyone else had tried hard to look for you. Bucky then receives an anonymous message*

*Bucky grabs his jacket and walks out of his room

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*Bucky grabs his jacket and walks out of his room. All the avengers stare at him walk out and Steve catches up to him*

Steve: Buck where are you going?

Bucky: No where.

Steve: Hey! Are you okay?

Bucky: Go away I'm busy.

Steve: Buck! If it's about Y/n tell us. We could use your help finding her.

Bucky: I'd rather not help you guys I've caused enough damage.

Steve: It can be fixed! You didn't mean any of it she'll understand that.

Bucky: But will she? I've hurt her so many times Steve and I never seem to stop. Leave me alone.

*He leaves*

A/n: Sorry It's short I've been so busy with college! I'll post soon I promise!

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