Chapter 13❤️‍🔥

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*You wake up to the feeling of something heavy on your waist, you open your eyes to see Bucky's metal arm wrapped around your waist with his head tucked under your chin. This was one of your first nights without having a nightmare. The first time ever in the arms of James Buchanan Barnes... you felt warm and safe in his arms which you've never felt since the death of your parents and little did you know it was also Bucky'a first night without having a nightmare*

💭Yes I feel safe in his arms but he doesn't even like me why do I like him? Y/n stop this will never go any further and you're on a mission so focus and get ready but he's sleeping so peaceful it's so cute... Y/N STOP IT💭

*You slowly remove his arm from your waist, you have a shower, get dressed and head to the kitchen*

*Today you and Bucky must investigate more into Harper watching her every move to see what it is she's up to*

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*Today you and Bucky must investigate more into Harper watching her every move to see what it is she's up to*

Bucky: I can smell pancakes!

*Bucky pops his head out of the bedroom door you chuckle*

Y/n: Well they are all for me darling.

*Bucky gasps holding his hand on his chest as if he was offended, you two had to act like the perfect married couple indoors as well as outdoors because Tony implied your apartment might be bugged*

Y/n: Come on! I wanna see the town and do a bit of shopping today.

Bucky: Sounds fun. *he says as he stuffs his face with your pancakes*

*Once you were both done Bucky got dressed and you both headed out hand in hand*

Bucky: There's the book store ready to go in?

Y/n: You go in for now I'll go to a few other stores and meet you there I wanna be as subtle as possible.

Bucky: Okay I'll see you.

*He kisses your cheek and you walk off blushing*

Bucky: Hey miss.

Harper: Hiya how can I help you?

Bucky: I'm looking for a romantic book? Fictional maybe? For my wife she likes reading.

Harper: Oh and where's your wife?

Bucky: She stopped by a few stores she likes to go to every store especially because we just moved here.

Harper: Oh wow welcome to McCook Nebraska.

Bucky: Why thank you! So about the book.

Harper: Oh yes this way. I'm Harper by the way.

Bucky: Sebastian.

??: Harper Sayles?

Harper: Hi! Uhm, how can I help you?

*Bucky watched as the green eyed man in a suit walks up to her*

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