Chapter 20❤️‍🔥

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*You're light headed, blood is dripping down from your face and body, things seem to be getting much worse*


Leviathan 1: We do not know sir, it looks like they've hidden themselves in a secret location.

Dick: Why aren't they coming for the girl?

Leviathan 2: Maybe they do not care for her anymore.

Dick: Nonsense, that Dean practically loves her.

<To you>

*You're so weak your chains were taken off you're on the floor with your head tucked between your knees sobbing your eyes out*

Crowley: Hello squirrels girl.

Y/n: C-Crowley? What are you doing here?

Crowley: I heard you were taken so I wanted to see for myself.

Y/n: You're not going to help are you?

Crowley: Maybe, maybe not. Depends... shall we make a deal?

Y/n: No way in hell will I ever make a deal with you Crowley.

Crowley: Come on! I'm the king of hell I can help you for a price.

Y/n: I'll never sell my soul to you Crowley you only want it to piss Dean off.

Crowley: true but it'll help you get out of here.

Y/n: Go away.

Crowley: Really?

Y/n: Just go.

Crowley: Oh come on I-


Dick: Hey! Who are you talking to?

*He looks around, no one's there...*

Dick: Finally going crazy are you?

Y/n: shut up a$$butt!

*Dick slaps you across the face*

Dick: Shut up b*tch.

*You spit blood at his face*

Dick: I swear if you-

Leviathan 3: Sir, we've located the Winchesters they are with Bobby Singer.

Dick: Let's pay them a visit shall we? You girl you can stay here. Take a photo of her we'll show these boys what we've done.

*The leviathan takes a photo of you with the flash on which made you flinch and cover your eyes with your bruised up arm*

Dick: Perfect let's go.

*They leave*

<Bucky's POV>

*Bucky is on his motorcycle making his way to save you the love of his life, he's angry, frustrated and determined to find you, he finally reached the abandoned building which you were in, but was guarded by more leviathans and Bucky was alone but he knew he'd be able to take them down he's a super Solider after all*

💭keep the head separate from the body, keep the head separate from the body. You can do this buck get your girl💭

Tw- violence

*Bucky sneaks into the building trying not to get caught*

Leviathan 4: Hey! You! Get over here!

*Bucky runs towards the leviathan slicing his head off, as it rolls on the ground Bucky picks it up and throws it out the window as far as he can. Two more leviathans head his way and he instantly chops their heads off in one go, he screams your name as much as he can as he fights off these beasts*

Y/n: B- Bucky?

*You say ever so weakly*

Y/n: Bucky I'm in here!

*He can't hear you, your voice is to weak. Bucky kicks open every door possible and the last one he kicks down to see your delicate body looking so pale and bloody*

Bucky: Doll!

*He runs up to you safely holding you in his arms, you wince at his touch but then nuzzle your head into his neck and sob*

Y/n: I can't believe you're here!

Bucky: I'm so sorry for everything I said I didn't mean it. I don't hate you at all! lo-

Y/n: You lo- What?

Bucky: I uhm I looked for you everywhere and then Sam and Dean told me where you were so I had to come and get you!

Y/n: Sam and Dean knew I was here?

*Bucky slightly nodded his head*

Y/n: Why didn't they come with you?

Bucky: They thought that Dick guy was setting a trap so they wanted to make a plan but I couldn't wait much longer I had to get to you.

Y/n: Thank you.

Bucky: Let's get you out of here! I called Tony on the way here he's getting the quinjet so we can get you home safely.

Y/n: You're amazing you know.

*Bucky smiles*

Bucky: You're not too bad yourself.

*You chuckle*

Bucky: He's here.

*Bucky scoops you up in his arms carrying you to the quinjet, he placed you down and sits with you the whole flight holding your hand reassuring everything will be alright.*

<End of Bucky's POV>

A/n: I will try to keep this story a little longer for you all!

THE HATE GAME - Bucky x reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora