Chapter 16❤️‍🔥

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Nat: So Dean kissed you?

Y/n: Yeah.

Nat: So?

Y/n: So I didn't want him to! He's like a friend and I like Bucky. But he certainly does not feel the same way, you should have seen what he was like! One day he's the sweetest guy ever then the next he just ignores you without a reason.

Wanda: Sounds complicated.

Y/n: You're telling me.

*You came down after unpacking and Pepper had made dinner*

Pepper: Hey Y/n come and eat.

Y/n: Gladly!

Morgan: Y/n!

Y/n: Hey kiddo.

*She jumps out of her chair and hugs your leg, you pat her head*

Y/n: Come on let's eat.

Morgan: Okay.

Steve: Anyone seen buck?

Tony: Probably upstairs sulking like always.

Steve: I should take him some food.

Y/n: Steve I'm done eating I'll give it to him.

Steve: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah.

*Steve hands you the plate and you slowly walk up the stairs wondering what you'll say to Bucky when you he opens the door*

Y/n: Here goes nothing.

*You take a deep breath in and knock the door*

Bucky: Who is it?

*You knocked again knowing if you told him it was you he'd tell you to go away*

Bucky: What?

*You knocked his door repeatedly until he aggressively opened the door with a dejected look on his face*

Bucky: I said what!

*He just stared at you*

Y/n: I got you food.

Bucky: I'm not hungry.

*He went to shut the door on your face but you pushed it back with your free hand*

Y/n: Hey why do you keep avoiding me? What have I done this time?

Bucky: Just go away Y/n! I don't wanna speak to you.

Y/n: Oh come on! Stop being a stubborn oaf! The more you're like this the more people are going to stop trying to be nice to you.

Bucky: Then stop Y/n I'm not asking you to be nice to be I don't even wanna be friends Okay.


Y/n: You know what screw you barnes.

*You drop the plate full of food and it smashes right in front of Bucky's door way. You walk to your room and slam the door*

💭Bucky's thoughts 💭
Why am I like this? I keep pushing her away I really don't want to but now I saw her kissing that Dean guy, I've just given up. I also know she's better off without me, I might become the winter soldier again and hurt her... I might do worse and I wouldn't even know what I'm doing. She'd hate me if she ever saw me like that, She'd be scared and I don't want her to feel that way. Pushing her away is the only thing I can do but that's hurting her even more... I'm hurt doing this to her. I need to tell her how I feel... no she likes Dean so I have no chance with her. The best thing is to push her away.
💭End of Bucky's thoughts 💭

*That evening you had a nightmare about your mother's death, so you decided to get something to eat. You head to the kitchen to see a dark figure sitting on a chair... your first thought was a ghost and your second thought was an intruder to which you grabbed the closeted thing near you, a frying pan. You this hit figure over the head to which the figure attacks you and you fight back, pinning the figure to the ground and it tries speaking*

??: I- it's m-m-me...

Y/n: Bucky?

Bucky: Get off me!

Y/n: Crap uhm I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you.

Bucky: Whatever.

Y/n: Did you have a nightmare?

Bucky: What do you care?

Y/n: I don't I was just asking.

Bucky: It's none of your business.

Y/n: Okay. Im making a sandwich do you want one?

Bucky: Yeah.

Y/n: You have such great manners. *you say as you roll your eyes*

*You make a sandwich for you both and Bucky stands there watching you*

Y/n: I'm not going to poison you Barnes if I were going to k*ll you it wouldn't be like this.

Bucky: Is that so?

*He moves closer to you*

Y/n: Yeah. I would first drive you crazy by making you think I've poisoned you and I'd make you believe I'm trying to k*ll you by lurking around in a creepy way which will make you always watch your back but I'll always be in front of you. I will then ensure that you then think I'm not going to k*ll and when you least expect it BANG! *You impale the knife through his sandwich* I'd k*ll you.

*Bucky takes a step back*

Y/n: I'm kidding! I hunt monsters not idiots.

*Bucky fake laughs at you still worried you might actually do what you said*

Y/n: Get me a beer would you.

*Bucky hands you an opened beer as you reach for it he drops it over you*

Y/n: You jerk!

Bucky: Whoops.

Y/n: You did that on purpose!

Bucky: Did not!

Y/n: Yes you did!

Bucky: You have no proof doll.

Y/n: Oh It's on just you wait and see Barnes. Make sure you have eyes at the back of your head you're going to need them. Enjoy you sandwich jerk.

THE HATE GAME - Bucky x reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant