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Frida was sitting in her study room, on her computer. She was answering mails to Görel and once in a while she signed some cards. She was alone in the house. Henry wasn't home much anymore after the incident with Benny because Frida still hadn't apologized to him. She was too stubborn to do that and also because she couldn't apologize. Her feelings were real and she couldn't say sorry for feeling that way. She had enough of working and decided to read. She still loved reading very much, she didn't like being on the phone too much because it started to hurt her eyes. She got cozy on the couch with a blanket while starting to read the first chapter of her book.

It was a Wednesday afternoon so she didn't have much to do anymore. It was April third and all she could think about was Agnetha's upcoming birthday. She had planned something larger and better than usual. She just hoped that she would be fine with her present. The grandchildren had days off school due to holidays so they were going to spend some time with her. They would be arriving the next day with their parents so they all could pack up and get ready for Agnetha's birthday. She had planned a trip to Öland to stay in a summer residence for a few nights to celebrate. Frida knew how much Öland brought back memories and couldn't resist taking everyone there. Agnes, Elsie, Signe, and Esther had never been there before and she knew that Agnetha definitely wanted to take them someday.

Frida decided to leave her book and do some last preparations for her birthday. They were driving by car to their destination. They were going to be with fifteen people in total excluding Christian because he couldn't make it. He was stuck in Norway for work. Frida and Benny's family, and Agnetha and Björn's family, so they had to use five cars to get there. She decided it was best for Agnetha to know that they were leaving in a day so she could start packing.

"Hi Frida!" Agnetha picked up her phone, before quickly frowning. "Frida, you pressed facetime. You don't have to hold your phone to your ear, stupid." Agnetha laughed as she only saw some white hair on her screen.

"Oh," Frida laughed as she found out she was doing it wrong. "Sorry. Technology and I aren't good friends." She chuckled.

"What are you calling for?" Agnetha asked as she twirled her hair between her fingers. "Esther be quiet! I'm on the phone!" She yelled as it was very noisy in the background. "I'm sorry." She giggled.

"I'm calling you to simply let you know that you need to pack for five days, not too warm, not too cold. That's all. We leave tomorrow afternoon." She said simply.

"What?! Where to?!" Agnetha asked, confused. She raised her eyebrows and made a face towards Frida onto her screen.

"Not telling. You'll see. Oh and everyone is coming, they'll know what to do. Bye!" Frida smiled and hung up.

Agnetha was left speechless. A trip for five days to somewhere she didn't even know. She was excited but rather anxious, what if they would travel by plane? She wasn't in the mood for that at all. She stood up to join Linda in the kitchen and crossed her arms.

"You knew about this?" She asked, tapping her foot. Linda looked at her blankly until finally her face fell.

"Did Auntie Frida finally tell you? " She snickered. "Yes I knew, duh. It's your birthday present." Linda giggled.

"But you did think of my fear of flying right?" She asked worriedly, biting on her nails.

"Mamma, don't worry. Everything will be just fine." Linda repeated rubbing her shoulder. "Relax and enjoy your last night at home." Linda smiled adorably and hugged her mother.

The following morning, Frida was in the kitchen with her granddaughters. They had already arrived somewhat earlier than Jonathan and they were preparing a breakfast together so they could have a good meal before their five hour long road trip.

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