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"Benny!" Frida pulled back quickly. She stood there in shock for a few seconds, not processing what had happened.

"What's going on?" Henry asked angrily as he stood in the doorway of the living room. Frida turned around and sighed as she saw Henry watching them.

"I thought you were asleep?" Frida asked, shaking her head.

"Well I was not." He said irritably.

"Oh so you're lying to me now, hm?" Frida scoffed as she turned back to Benny. His head was down and he felt embarrassed, it definitely felt right to him but he didn't want to make a scene.

"That doesn't compare to you kissing another man in front of my eyes!" Henry yelled furiously pointing at Benny. The yelling kept going around until Henry went upstairs and slammed his door shut. Frida looked at Benny again and sighed.

"Benny..." Frida said, taking him inside. He was cold because the weather was bad at night. "It's wrong of you to do this when you have a wife," She said sympathetically as she wanted to stroke his cheek but Benny stopped her.

"I don't have a fucking wife anymore, Frida! God damnit, I divorced her months ago!" He exclaimed tiredly, tears formed into his eyes. "She drained me, Frida. I had enough of her." He whispered as her eyes welled up with tears once again. Frida looked at him and embraced him tightly.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Benny leaned his head onto her shoulder and sighed. Frida stroked his back softly as he cried into her neck and comforted him. Frida rested her weight onto her cane because Benny was leaning his weight onto her but she let him take it momentarily because she felt like he really needed it.

"Grandma?" Agnes asked frightened, she had heard all the yelling and had gotten scared. Frida shook her head, now this... she thought. "Grandpa?" She frowned seeing both of them embracing one another. She stepped down the stairs slowly, rubbing her eyes while holding onto the railing. Benny let go of Frida, not trying to make a bigger scene and let go of her hands. Agnes looked bewildered as she looked both her grandparents up and down. "Have you been kissing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she showed a small grin on her face.

"What? No!" Frida said while putting her hands on her hips.

"Yeah right. I see your lipstick on grandpa's lips." She said sassily before going back up the stairs confidently, acting like nothing just happened. "Will you come tuck me back in, please? Thank you." She smiled from the top of the stairs before closing her bedroom door quietly. Frida scoffed and looked at Benny with a blank stare.

"Do you believe that little girl? What an attitude." She said, narrowing her eyes with a slight head tilt. Benny cracked up quickly from the girl's attitude and held his stomach as he laughed.

"Well her mother is the same and guess who she got it from." Benny snickered, referring to Frida.

"Oh!" Frida rolled her eyes paired with a long-suffering sigh as she slapped his chest. Benny's mood quickly changed and he looked into Frida's eyes, furrowing his brows.

"I'm sorry I came here." He stammered. "I had no intention to cause a scene, but my guts told me to do this Frida." He said with difficulty maintaining eye contact, looking down and away from her face. Frida pinched her nose and closed her eyes, thinking. She gazed at him before pulling him close and kissing his lips with force but passionately.

"Don't do this to me again." She said in between kisses before pulling back and tying her robe back on secure as she went back upstairs. "Goodnight, Benny." She said not looking back and entering Agnes's room. Benny almost started jumping up and down in excitement and his smile was so wide it started hurting his cheeks. He opened the door and left back to his home, happier than ever.

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