Michizō Tachihara (pt. 1)

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a/n: HUNTING DOGS TACHI ONESHOT IS HEREEEEEEEE, sorry for not uploading for a few days! i celebrated mine and my families birthday. i'll be going to quebec tomorrow but i'll try my best to upload!
[not proofread]

songs i recommend listening to while reading: Seventeen - Marina and the Diamonds, Where'd all the time go? - Dr. Dog

                      "how could you do this to me?"

the port mafia was a cruel, heartless organization made out of ruthless criminals. that included yourself, you didn't really like the term "criminal" you were just.. taking out trash, human trash.

abandoned long ago by family and friends, you grew up having to defend yourself. not a problem!

by the ripe age of 13, you stole a gun. a little extreme, right? well, you found the stuff you had managed to lay your hands on disappearing, what other way to deal with the pesky insects who dared to touch your things than pointing a gun at them?

atleast, that was your mindset.

perhaps that was the entire reason you ended up were you were now.

a gunshot in your shoulder and your stomach aching in pain.

scratches and claw marks all over your body, that laid helplessly beside the man who you could call your boyfriend.

your hand pathetically attempted to reach out to his, luckily, he still had a little bit of a pulse and remained conscious, on a whim.

he extended his arm to yours, he slowly rubbed your hand, whispering, "it'll be okay, [name]." tears rained down your face, tachihara hushed you, "there's no need to cry, everything's going to be alright."

no! everything wasn't going to be alright, you had just lost the life of the only parental figure you ever had. you had to watch him get stabbed, you so desperately wanted to scream at tachihara, but fought the urge.

your body gave up the strength it was hopelessly holding onto, laying limp. you opened your mouth to speak, but your words came out as a whisper. "michizo.."

your boyfriends attention rested on you, "i love you." you managed to get out, before promptly shutting your eyes. "i love you too, [name]."

the secret escape hideouts door slowly opened,

(a/n: this part isn't gonna follow the storyline exactly since i lowkey forgot what the characters said to eachother BUT BARE W ME 😭😭)

"huh! who knew the spy we sent in would prove so useful," fukuchi cheered out, a wide smile plastered on his face as he stepped forward and walked towards tachiharas still body, along with jouno.

jouno helped tachihara get up, and as soon as you knew it, your boyfriend was in his hunting dogs uniform. yosanos eyes widened and she stuttered out,

"you're.. t-the fifth member of the hunting dogs? what about [name]?! what're you going to say to him, what about hirostu?"

she yelled, at the mention of your name, your eyes reluctantly fluttered open and laid upon the sight of your boyfriend perfectly fine, no appeared sight of blood of him.

"tachihara?" you breathed out, nails digging into the ground, hands attempting to grasp it. your boyfriend alongside with jouno, turned their head to your body,

tachiharas eyes widened at you, he thought you were for sure dead. "h-how could you betray us?" you attempted to get up, you managed to get on your knees and mustered the strength to look up at the males infront of you.

you pointed to gin, "you killed my bestfriend." you said, hatred and anger in your eyes. tachihara could see past it though, he knew you weren't just angry, more like..


yes, that was the word. the male chuckled and stepped forward to you, lifting your chin up with his finger, his thumb touching your lower lip.

"i'm sorry [name], i really am." he got up once more and turned his back to you, reaching into his belt. you quirked a brow, "for what?"

"for this." his hand emerged from his belt and he rapidly turned around to face you.

tachihara, the person you thought you could trust, the person you opened up to, was now holding a gun to your head.

your eyes shot up, and the tears that stopped mere minutes ago, came back. rolling down your cheeks, tachihara always thought you were,

"such a pretty crier."

he cocked his gun, he grit his teeth, tears swelling in his eyes aswell, he truly did love you. but duty calls, doesn't it?

you were a member of the port mafia, and he was a hunting dog. tachihara fired his gun, and your body went limp, dramatically falling onto your side.

you were on the brink of death anyway, if anything, tachihara did you a favour and put you out of your misery sooner.

the male turned around once more and walked to jouno, "friend of yours?"

tachihara sighed and took a deep breath, "no, more so a person i used for information." jouno hummed, yosanos eyes shot up and her head turned to your dead body.

she rushed over to you and held onto your shirt, her tears dripping onto your chest, the crimson liquid seeping from your shoulder getting on her face.

the girl looked back at tachihara and scowled at the male. she grit her teeth and her hands crumbled into fists, she took one last glance at your body and got up.

your blood still remaining all over her face, on her cheeks especially, now so on her chest. she made intensive, uncomfortable eye contact with tachihara.

"you're going to fucking regret that, tachihara." she spoke, her breathing uneven.

despite the injuries she acquired, and all the times you and the other port mafia members tried to kill her and the other detectives she could call family,

no one deserved to be betrayed like that. especially by someone who they thought they could in good conscious, trust.

she gripped her shirt angrily, "if i have to die, it's going to be because of this. because of a damn good reason! he shouldn't have been betrayed like that, and now, i'm going to get him the revenge [name] should've taken out on you."

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