Atsushi Nakajima

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a/n: felt suicidal so i wrote this 🤭🤭

songs i recommend listening to while reading: Cigarettes out the window - TV girl, Transgender - Crystal Castles, iris - The Goo Goo dolls

"You called, of course i'd be here."

life was starting to hit you hard. thoughts raced rapidly around your head, it felt like a person was screaming at you nonstop to listen to the unpleasant wishes whatever demon was staying in your head said.

you had lost any form of contact you had with your bestfriend, atsushi. he had gotten kicked out of your orphanage, leaving you to fend for yourself.

you snuggled your knees, sniffling and sobbing into your arms. "grow up, you're a man [name], act like one!" one of the owners yelled at you, you had been miserable for the past few months, due to being abandoned by your only friend.

sure, you were 17 years old, that didn't mean you couldn't act "pathetic" said the adults around you. one day, you had enough of their bullshit.

you knew the day you turned 18 you'd be thrown on the streets just like they did with atsushi, but, just to piss them off, you decided to escape the orphanage and cause commotion.

you had packed a bag with the stolen food you had taken, and some money you had also took from one of the owners wallets.

you sighed and grabbed your blanket, stuffing it in the tiny bag you had managed to find, once the clock stroke midnight, you grabbed the knife you had taken from the previous days dinner.

smashing your rooms window as quietly as you could, once you had managed to make a big enough hole to climb through you slid on your bag and crawled thorough the hole, rushing as you heard the owners yelling and footsteps approaching.

during your escape, you acquired many cuts and scratches, you didn't care about any injury you got, you just wanted to leave this stupid hellhole.

your bedroom door slammed open, "[NAME]!" the director yelled at you, causing you to momentarily turn your head, you immediately looked back and landed out of the window.

luckily for you, you were on the first floor. the director looked at you with rage and anger in his eyes, you smirked at him and ran as fast and far as you could.

the director gritted his teeth and ran out the front door after you, "[NAME] [LAST NAME] GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANCE YOUNG MAN!" he yelled, tripping on a rock and falling face first.

sustaining many scratches, huh, what do you know? you're twining!

he looked up at you and spat out an insult, "i cared for atsushi, but not you. you are a monster." you flinched at the usage of your bestfriend and the association with the word monster and your name.

"hmm, that's too bad!" you shrugged, turning towards again and running.

after an hour or so of running, the small injuries you had were finally catching up to you. they weren't that bad, but they hurt like a bitch.

you looked down at your leg and realized you had shards of glass in it. you winced at the leaking blood, you took off your bag and opened it, grabbing the blanket and ripping a piece off.

you wiped the red, irony liquid from your leg and tied the cloth around it. that'll do for now, you thought as you zipped up your bag again and slid it back on, looking up and realizing where exactly you were.

you didn't know where exactly you were, you were in front of some café. you pondered for a while then decided to go in, you hesitantly walked in, the door chiming and alerting whatever staff member that was working a potential costumer ventured in.

"welcome!" an old man said, while wiping down a glass. "hello!" you said, gulping and observing your surroundings.

the café was empty, thank god. you weren't exactly in the mood to socialize, you walked up to the counter and sat down. "could i get a scone and a coffee, one milk, please." you requested, the man working the café nodded, preparing your order.

you grabbed your bag and unzipped it, grabbing the few bills you had. sliding it over to the man, "that should be enough, apologies if it isnt."

he took the cash and counted it, "it's more than enough, i owe you 10$" he gave you your 10$ back and you put it in your bag, putting it on an empty chair beside you.

the man gave you your order and you began eating right away, god it was so good! you truly missed actual food.

you were too busy devouring your food to notice that 3 people walked in, a blonde, a brunette and a white haired boy.

you got up from your seat and made your way to the front entrance, looking up instead of in front of you, you accidentally ran into someone's chest. their strong arms caught you, preventing you from falling.

"sorry!" you said, regaining balance and looking infront of you. the boy who caught you.. "atsushi?" you asked, voice laced with hope.

the male nodded hesitantly, "do i know you?" he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. your eyes widened, he.. he didn't remember you.

"i-i, it's me, [name]!" your eyes scanned frantically for any look of recognition in his eyes. he stayed silent for a moment, then thought. his eyes shot up, "from the orphanage?" this caused the two males beside atsushi to turn to look at the both of you.

you nodded rapidly and leaped into his arms, the tiger boy immediately embraced you. tears began to fall from both of your eyes, your tears staining his chest.

"what're you doing here? aren't you supposed to be there?" atsushi asked, pulling you out of his chest. you bit the inside of your cheek, "funny story," you breathed out, atsushis brows raised.

whenever you started a sentence like that, he knew damn well the story wouldn't be "funny" more like dangerous, and risky.

"i sorta broke my rooms window, climbed out of it, got glass in my leg, ran for an hour without tending to my wounds, and stole money from the director to buy food here."

dazai and kunikida made eye contact with eachother mouthing "he has potential"

dazai cleared his throat, causing yours and atsushis attention to be on him now. "atsushi, mind introducing us to your friend?"

atsushi slung an arm around your shoulders, "this is [name] [last name], my bestfriend since we were toddlers." he smiled at you, you rolled your eyes at his sappy words.

"he isn't wrong.." you muttered, avoiding eye contact. "are you gifted, [last name]?" kunikida asked, crossing his arms. "ah, yes" your word caused atsushi to quirk a brow, "you are?"

you stared at him in shock, "YOU are?"

dazai bursted into a laughing fit, "did the two of you just learn that you're both gifted? oh wow, i needed a good laugh, thanks atsushi, [name]"

"what's your ability, [last name]?" the blonde haired male asked, curiously. "my ability allows me to speak to the afterlife.. basically, if i'm facing a person who has killed in the past, when i use my ability, whoever they killed shows up. it allows me to manipulate and weird out the person to the point they think i'm insane and they're insane."

atsushis eyes widened at the description of your ability, "that could prove very useful.." kunikida murmured, dazai scoffed and shoved the blonde aside.

"[name], how would you like to join the armed detective agency?"

"wtf is wrong w you bro" [BSD x MALE READER]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora