I'm fine honestly!

Start from the beginning

"That is true... where do you want to start?" You asked Nines who looked down to the desk top and started to tap his index finger down onto it. "You are the one who wanted to stay, therefore I believe that you must have had a vision inside of your head on what you wanted to do." Nines pointed out while his LED flickered between yellow and blue.

"Budge over then." You ordered him while pointing towards your terminal, Nines moved his chair to the right so you could squeeze in beside him. The moment you got onto your terminal you went to all of the digital versions of the case files and sighed. "Look at how many there are..."

"Yes that is certainly a lot," you and Nines were so close you could constantly feel his synthetic breath hit the side of your right cheek, "are we comparing each case or are we pointing out there differences?"

"Differences that's much easier..." You mumbled in response, Nines hand as it had been doing recently found it's way onto your thigh, beginning to rub soothing circles at the top. "Obviously the most recent one is that there were two couples not one... only one couple was killed in the usual way. But then they were killed and left in a different room."

"Samuels mothers case, they of course knew she had a child. Then there's the case where they did not know about the Android child, which resulted in them deactivating him." Nines said pointing at the two case files that involved any kind of child, you grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled some notes down. "You know I could just keep track of everything."

"I can't let you do everything... that's not fair." You told Nines as you placed your pen down onto the paper.

"Very well, do not forget the case that was done in an apartment building. It is the only time it has not happened inside a house." Nines expressed as he then watched you jot down yet another note. "How could I forget that... I almost lost you for the first time." You mumbled while using the pen to tap onto the side of your head. "Many of them have contained more than one message where as others have had only one. And they always change the place they put the messages."

"That is true, they are not very consistent on that, however they have always been consistent on there being at least one message." Nines commented as his hand moved from the top of your thigh and down to your inner thigh. You of course flinched. "Y-Yeah," you cleared your throat in an attempt to hide your surprise, "they've never missed an opportunity to write a message..."

"The only thing that has always stayed completely consistent is the removal of the hearts, yes they have hid them in different places but the hearts have always been removed." Nines pointed out to you as his thumb started to glide itself up and down your inner thigh, you were trying your hardest not to lose focus. 'Does he even understand where he's touching me right now?' You wondered to yourself, he probably had no idea what he was doing right now.

In an effort to make it so you didn't have to talk and sound like a babbling idiot you gripped ahold of the mug of tea Nines had made you, and took a small sip of it. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Nines watching you, his LED catching your eyes too. It was flashing red.

"Are you okay, Y/N? Your heart rate has increased... so has your breathing..." Nines drawled and that's when your mind went into panic mode. 'Oh no he's going to find out that I like what he's doing...'

"I'm fine honestly!" You squeaked out in defence, not missing the fact that a small smirk grew on Nines's lips.

"I see, well please let me know if you begin to feel overwhelmed by... stress." Nines said taking a big pause before he said the word 'stress.'

"S-Sure..." You stuttered instantly wanting to kick yourself for letting a stuttered word leave your mouth, you had hoped Nines would move his hand but he didn't. Taking a mouthful of your tea you swallow it down hard, as Nines's hand squeezed down on your inner thigh. "Is the tea to your liking? I made it slightly stronger to what you usually have." Nines asked his voice oddly husky, his hand unclenching it's squeeze on your thigh then clenching down once again.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now