Chapter 2: Revelation and Return

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After Issei's departure to the pocket dimension, the ORC members leave the clubhouse after their discussion for the rating match and get on with the rest of their schedule.

Concerned gazes were exchanged among the group members, their faces reflecting the weight of the situation.

"How will we tell Issei about our plans and what we discussed if he isn't allowed back into the clubhouse?" Asia's voice carried a tone of worry and uncertainty, the group grappling with the dilemma before them.

Koneko, her expression firm and resolute, answered, "We'll tell him when he acknowledges his mistake and apologizes to Rias." Her words hung in the air, emphasizing the gravity of Issei's actions and the consequences he faced.

Caught up in the discussion, Xenovia interjected, "Can we count on him realizing his own mistake? He's a perverted blockhead.", her scepticism evident.

Akeno, chimed in with determination, "He has to; Rias's heart, along with our hearts, depends on it." Her words echoed, underscoring the collective hope that Issei would understand the depth of his actions, realizing their impact on their group's unity and Rias's trust.

As they leave, they walk over to where Issei was pinned down and almost died, feeling a sense of dread shrouding them. They feel the hate, the agony, the pain, and the suffering. But they aren't able to understand why they think that way.

Kiba's voice rang out with disbelief and fear, "What was this feeling?! It feels so dark!"

A chilling grip tightened around Rias's heart, mirroring the ominous sensation. Her mind raced with concern, "Why does it feel like my heartstrings are about to snap?"

Asia trembled, her voice quivering in terror, "Oh my God! It feels like a monster over my shoulder is breathing heavily and just about to kill me!"

Koneko's neck bristled with fear, her senses alerting her to the danger. In a frenzy of panic, they all sprinted back to the safety of the clubhouse, their breaths ragged and hearts pounding with fear.

As they huddled inside, gasping for air, Rias demanded, "What the hell was that?!"

Akeno shook her head in bewilderment, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "I don't know."

After a tense wait, they cautiously ventured outside once more. The eerie sensation had dissipated, leaving them bewildered. Could it have been a hallucination? No, the shared fear was too honest to dismiss.

Rias, assuming a commanding yet caring tone, declared, "I will personally address this issue with Azazel and Rossweisse. They may hold the key to understanding the unfolding mystery. In the meantime, I ask each of you to return to your usual tasks. Continue with your daily activities, my beloved servants."

In unison, the rest of the ORC chorused, "Yes, President!" They dispersed to their respective classes, lingering dread still clinging to their thoughts.

Meanwhile, Rias retreated into the clubhouse; her mind occupied not by the unsettling sensation but by thoughts of Issei. Doubt clouded her mind, "Did I push him too far? Is this really the only approach that will break through? But what if it ends up creating an even wider gap between us? Perhaps I should refrain from seeking relationship advice on TikTok. It seems like nobody on that app wants anyone to find true happiness."

Despite her concerns, Rias made up her mind to stick to the plan, unaware of the fate Issei had suffered, holding onto the hope that everything would eventually be alright in the end.


The school has ended, and they all meet at the front gate to return to the Hyoudou Residence. Throughout the day, no one has seen or heard Issei; he was not in History with Kiba, P.E. with Xenovia, or Herbology with Asia. They start to worry about where he is; maybe he went back home upset, at least, that is what they hope.

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