Chapter 1: Death & Rebirth

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The setting occurs just over a week before the rating match between Team Gremory and Team Sairaorg.

Issei upset Rias by calling her president instead of her name, and this caused the whole ORC to turn against him.

Issei tries to chase after Rias after she runs out of the room.

Amid the tension-filled moment, Akeno stepped forward, her voice cutting through the air like ice. "Stop! If you go after her without understanding what you did wrong, you'll only hurt her even more," she declared, her tone commanding and cold.

Issei came to an abrupt halt, his movements freezing in response to Akeno's stern words. He stared at her, realisation dawning upon him.

Tinged with worry and confusion, Ravel questioned Akeno, "Is this my fault? Did my mom say something that upset Rias?"

Akeno reassured Ravel, her tone softening slightly, "Of course not, sweetie. Issei is just a brainless fool." Akeno's reply carried a harsh undertone, a subtle jab at Issei that hung in the air, leaving a palpable tension among them.

Issei looks at the palm of his hands.

"What have I done? How can I apologise when I don't know what I did wrong?." Issei thought to himself


1 Day passes, it's now the next morning

Issei goes to the ORC clubhouse to train with his peers against their upcoming rating match. He walks up the stairs on the pathway way toward the main door of the clubhouse. He wants to make it up to Rias and the others by training hard and showing them he can do better, and they'll forgive him.

Before he could get into the clubhouse, he stopped by the peerage from entering. In front of the main door stands Kiba, Xenovia, and Koneko

Issei, wearing a perplexed and anxious expression, approached the group tentatively. "Umm, hey guys, what's up?" he stammered, his voice laced with confusion and concern.

Kiba, his expression serious, replied, "Issei, we need to talk."

"If we're talkin' 'bout yesterday, no need to fret," Issei interjected, attempting to sound nonchalant. "I'll bow down to the Prez the very instant she graces us with her presence!"

His words were met with disgusted looks from everyone present. Koneko, her patience wearing thin, hissed with a sharp edge to her voice, "Ugh, you're so clueless, it's almost laughable. If you're that ignorant, save your breath and spare me your pointless apologies!" Her eyes narrowed in frustration as she spoke.

Upon hearing Koneko's harsh tone, Issei's expression shifted to sadness. Meanwhile, Akeno leaned close and whispered, "Rias, he's here."

Issei turned around and saw Rias approaching the clubhouse, accompanied by Akeno and Asia. Eager to lighten the mood, he chirped in an upbeat voice, "Yo, Prez! Greetings to the elegant Lady Akeno and the lovely Miss Asia!" His attempt at humour fell flat when Asia and Akeno scoffed, and Rias ignored him completely. Disheartened, Issei tried to call out to Rias before Xenovia cut him off.

"Argh! Are you so dense, Issei?!" Xenovia exclaimed, her frustration palpable. "Perhaps if you possessed a trace of maturity, you would grasp your error! Do you not comprehend the pain you inflict upon Lady Rias?! Your mere presence brings her disquiet!" Her voice resonated with passion as she scolded Issei, leaving him silenced and crestfallen in her wake.

Issei looks flabbergasted; he looks at the others as he sees them all looking at him. He can tell they agree with Xenovia's words just from their faces. However, he can't see Rias's face; she hasn't even turned to face him.

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