And it All Starts, One More Time

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The last thing the winged hermit could remember was being with Scar and Mumbo.  Mumbo had come back, from wherever he went, and they were back together again.  But now, looking around, he wasn't there anymore.  Looking around, there was others.  It was the same thing, he was the first to wake up and come to.  Nobody else was aware of what was going on, they were all still in their trance of how to play.

Looking around it looked different this time.  It always did.  Everybody who was always there was still there.  He had been explained what was going on, the Watchers told him already.  He was aware he was on limited time.  He felt a sharp stab on his inner wrist.  Looking down it was an hourglass.  Full of sand, as a referance to his first time in the hell-bending place.

Everybody started getting up, one by one.  Scar was 2nd, he noticed Grian looking intensely at his wrist, and he did the same.  Also an hourglass.  There was a timer on top of both hour glasses, neither had started yet.  Everybody had a different symbol tattoed on their wrist with a timer..  For Scott it was a flower.  They were all referances to their first time playing in this place.

The watchers watched, intensely.  Jimmy, looking around he realised what was happening and a tear immediatly fell from his eye.  He made eye-contact with Grian and ran over to him.  They were close, ever since Evo, way, way in their pasts.  Jimmy hugged Grian, the winged hermit hugged him back.  Jimmy was scared.  He was always the first out, no matter what.  He was going to have to feel that pain again.  The pain of actually dying again, they all were.  In every other series they passed out and teleported to their bed.  But their final life, they died.  Their breath left their body, always lifeless.  And Jimmy didn't want that, not again.  Not for the first time atleast.  The pain and agony, then him waking up in a cold sweat, drenched in fear, as he awoke from his own bed.

Grian looked around at everybody else.  All of them were watching the clock on their wrist.  None of them moved away from the circle they had awoken in.  Some helped others up, but none moved outside the circl, just inside.  Grian let out a sigh and said, "We have to start this somehow fellas" And stepped outside the circle.  All of them felt their heart stop for a second, it was a deep pain in their chest, but then they wrre fine.  Each of thier timers starting.  Grian and Scars hourglass' sand started falling.  Jimmy and Scotts flowers started slowly losing its petals.

All of their clocks started at 24 hours.  And none of them could let it fall below 0.  They refused to let it happen.  They all sprinted away, some together, some apart.

Jimmy and Joel found each other.  Joel would never admit it, but he didn't want Jimmy to die again.  He couldn't let it happen, he wouldn't be the first person to die again.  Together they became the 'bad boys' a name that Joel hoped would stop anybody from harming Jimmy.

Scott was in an interesting situation.  His plan was to live in the ocean, and he did.  He enjoyed it.  But at the start they all got alerted about the Boogey Man.  A set of words that striked fear into everybody's heart, as if a dagger stricked each person.  They all knew what it meant.  Scott was, not happy, to say the least about being chosen by the watchers to complete this.  He did, to SkizzleMan.  He didn't want to hurt anybody, but he had to.  He couldn't loose his time.  Sadly Skizz lost his time.  His timer was set back an entire 2 hours left of his life.  Scott looked down at his own timer.  It was boosted an hour, he was overjoyed to say the least.  He refused to die ever, he didn't want to feel that pain again.

The watchers were unsatisfied with this.  It wasn't right.  Scott struck too early.  Another Booget had to be chosen.  Another wave of fear into everybody as another was chosen.  BDubs was the unlucky winner of the terrible prize.  He wwnt immediatly after Skizz.  He was victorious.  Skizz was rightfully filled with anger.  He had 4 whole hours of his life stolen from him.

Grian wanted nothing to do with this.  He was happy to not be chosen by the watchers for once.  They had been leaving him alone which was unusual.  As his wings have been everytime, cut short.  The others didn't ever pay too much attention to them, but in theese series they were smaller, weaker, and not much of a help. 

Grian had a special vision to see others clocks.  He noticed by the 2nd night or dream that the timers changed color depending on certain times.  He was able to spot others clocks.  He was slightly fearing Scars clock.  It was low, and almost on yellow already.  They weren't teammates, or even allies this time.  But he still cared for his soulmate.  He would always care for his soulmate, until death do they part.  And as long as they were both still around he was concerned for him.


Hello!  I know this is finished already, but I wanted to add an extra little part for fun!  I'm really exited to see where limited life will go.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll even add 2 extra parts.  If this isn't the same writing style as the other one I'm sorry.  I've been writing alot more, and this is my first thing so far.  And I've improved and changed.  I have a new (origonal) book like thing starting very soon (hopefully, and all goes as planned)!  So if you enjoy my writing that would be very appreciated!

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