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Grian, after getting into his surprisingly warm bed, fell right asleep.  The magic must have drained him out more than he knew.

One stopped by.  They seemed unhappy, not mad, but not happy in any way.

Get up.
Come down here.

He did.  He hopped down on the steps that he still didn't trust.  They were holding a mask.  The same one that both the watchers were wearing. Along with a set of clothes, similar to his own, but white (His normal clothes were a red jumper, and black pants).  Probably to match the other watchers.

He put the mask given to him, on.  It was odd, he didn't have to use any magic to keep it on.  He felt more powerful when he put it on too. 

Practice with the mask on now, Three.  I will be back later.

After One said that he had disappeared just like earlier.   Grian wasn't sure what to do, what magic he wanted to practice, what magic he could practice.

He was able to summon a bed out of thin air, but maybe he should try something else.  Maybe try to disappear like One just did.  That was really the only thing he had really seen the watchers do.

He didn't know where they went, or what happened when they disappeared.  If the watchers watched, then maybe he should try to watch.  Watch the Evo members.

He tried to get to the Evo SMP.  He wasn't sure how he was supposed to.  Something he had noticed though, was magic made him warmer, in the cold place he was in.  The mask helped, it was probably magic too then.  The white jumper helped a bit as well, not as much as the mask, but it still helped.

Then the tall watcher came back.

Hello, how are you doing?
"I don't understand how to use any magic yet"
I see, what are you trying to do.
"I am trying to get to Evo"
I see.  Let me help

One reached out their hand, Grian grabbed it.  One was telling him to focus on the place and try to go there, as if you were walking.  He tried, the small watcher focused on the Evo server, he closed his eyes to help him focus more.  Then when he opened them, they were there.  He saw Timmy, or Jimmy?  He couldn't remember which it was.

He let go of the watcher's hand, and ran over to him.  He missed his friends more than he thought, even if it had only been a day (or two).  He reached out for a hug, then went right through him.  It felt warm when he did so, not much else.

"W-Why can't I hug him?!?  Why can't he see me?!"
Don't you remember?  Three, your a watcher now.  Your friends can't see you anymore.  Humans have never see a watcher.

Grian was taken back to the realm, I guess.  It wasn't a server like Evo, so it made the most sense.  It felt warmer back at Evo, but not the same as it once was.


For the past litle while, Three had been training.  Using magic, becoming more like a watcher.  One had come to check on him every few hours (or so he assumed).  His fingers soon got the purple-black coloration.  Simular to crying obsidion stains (althoguh he actually had no idea what crying obsidian was).

One would get mad, easily everytime they watched Three do anything remotly human.  They had yelled before at him when They caught him eating.  They claimed that if he really wanted to become a watcher, then he would be one already.  Unsure if he actually belived it though.

He was unable to remember most of Evo. He could remember some faces, along with a few names. Not many moments that stand out, and are clear when he remembered them.

But with those memories leaving, new ones are being placed there instead. Theese new memories were ood, to say the least. The watchers realm looked newer, as if it were in the past. They (the watchers) were telling him the rules.

1. NEVER take off your mask, especially in human presence
2. The humans are a lower species, you don't have to treat them with respect
3. Watchers speak in standard Galactic
4. Don't harm humans unless neccesary
5. NEVER tell a human about the other servers
6. Don't bring a human back to the watchers place

The last rule stuck out to the small watcher, not as much then, as it is now. Three had know himself to be human before chosen, why was it against the rules? Hadn't One, and Two chosen him?

He couldn't have always been a watcher?  Right?  That wouldn't be correct.  When did he start his human days then?  Why can he remember being a builder, even before Evo.

It was suprising to say the least when he realised he could remember being a builder.  He could remember more of being a builder, before Evo.


Have a great day/morning/night everybody! I've had fun writing this so far, can't wait to start writing the next chapter, Bye!

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