Ch2 First Hours and the Legend

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Millions of billions of small holographic cubes of blue colour, all around  Dev, started to form and merge to spawn a new nation in this world. It took 6 minutes for everything to form up and stood all in its glory. All modern infrastructures, skyscrapers touching the sky, modern electronic displays , vehicles of various kind and technologies of earth. When everything is done, one figure of age 23 started walking towards Dev.

She had a scarlet red eyes, eyes of a battle hardened warrior. She wore a military dress with an sidearm on her hip. Her hip was hypnotizing, swaying left and right with her every step. She had red lips and they were pulpy as a cherry. There was button nose above her lips. All of this was her on beautiful and smooth as silk face. Her head was crowned by her equally red scarlet hair, smooth and flowing upto her waist like a river. Her body was curvaceous and had a hour glass figure. But although she looked like a defination of beauty itself, her body language was like a disciplined soldier. All her steps were defination of military discipline and behaviour. All perfectly executed. She had straight back, head held up high. Looking into my purple eyes with her red eyes. All in all, she is most beautiful woman ever with the highest position in the military. She is the commander in chief of Óneiro armed forces. Her body was of a  model but also well built for combat. 

She stopped her steps after reaching few feets near me. She booted her feet together. Raised her arm and put her hand near her head. Her finger touching her temple, with palm facing down. It was an proper and perfectly executed salute.

"I am Elly Machitis, Commander-in- Chief of Óneiro Armed Forces. Reporting for duty, SIR!!" Introduced Elly with high militaristic voice, but sweet and hypnotizing nonetheless.

Dev saluted back and introduced himself too.

"I am Dev Óneiro, The King of Óneiro Kingdom. As well as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Óneiro Armed Forces." Introduced Dev to Elly.

Both of them lowered their arms. Then both reached out to shake hands.

"It's an pleasure to meet you, Miss Elly" said Dev with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir." Replied Elly back not with militaristic voice but in her natural sweet and cherry voice.

"Please, just call me Dev when it's just two of us or we are with our friends. I would like to avoid formalities if possible" requested Dev to Elly.

"Then i hope you also call me Elly, Dev" replied back Elly with a smile.

"Of course. I Believe right now we have situation to take care of. Have you received information about this world." Asked Dev with his changed voice of seriousness while pulling his hand back from handshake. Same motion is mirrored by Elly

"Yes, i have received basic information as well as power structure of this world. I believe our military is the most advanced in this world but we don't have powerhouses." Said Elly with worried tone.

"Don't worry. Our friends will be joining us soon. Fortunately our Kingdom is hidden by a mist, giving us a natural defense but ships can still land on our shore by a luck. I don't want to reveal our location to the world till we are ready."  Dev assured Elly but at the same time gave her new worries.

"I'll mobilize our whole navy to cover our territory but I'll make sure that they not go into the mist and get lost. We still have navigation problem to solve. We should also get to our command center quick" Quickly said back Elly with strategy.

Dev nodded back. Elly grabbed onto radio which was placed on her chest and spoke in it.

"This is Command-in-Chief Elly Machitis. I want our whole navy mobilized and cover our territory. Use radar and sonar and other detection technologies to keep an out. Report it back to me if you find vessel or anything ASAP. Do not go into mist, i repeat do not go into the mist. I also need immediate extraction at my location for His Majesty. Over" said Elly into her radio in clear and commanding voice.

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