"Yeah hopefully we can get some new ones, for now it looks all sad out here."

cutting the engine you both get out and head into the house, your parents seemingly in the living room watching tv notice you walk in with the 45 year old and they seem to tense up.

"Ah, Randy... its good to see you," Your mom spoke, Randy nodding

"Likewise, I hope you two had fun at the party," He said, a small smirk lurking onto his face as you couldn't help but snicker and also recoil at the comment.

Your parents flustered and laughed,

"O--oh yes it was great!" Your dad stammered, Your mom elbowing him and Randy chuckled simply and looked back to you.

"Ma, me and Randy are gonna be upstairs k?" You say, motioning for him to follow as your parents dumbly watch you two.

"Are you sure its morally okay for them to... yknow... do this?" Your mom whispered to the man sitting next to her who was currently rushing through the thoughts he was having about Randy and his own child.

"I dont know... The age gap is weird.."

"But they had a point about the immaturity..."

"I know he's mentally a young adult in the body of a 50 year old"


"yes yes 45..." he sighs and rubs his temples.

"We just have to... sit by and watch i guess, check in on them and... make sure he doesnt do anything vile.."


"so this is my room! it's kinda smaller than i had hoped since it was my childhood room but its still good!" You explain, spinning around to look at him and he smiled as he examined the room and seemingly you as well.

"It's nice and cozy." He stated simply, making his way over to your bed and feeling the soft blankets.

"Sure is! OH! Okay so i have loads of things we can do," You say, running through your room grabbing multiple controllers for video game consoles, the remote to your tv, and some pipes you had. "So i have a bunch of games, uh tv shows, movies, literally ill let you sit through and find something if you want! and i can pack some pipes for us," you explain practically vibrating with excitement as he looked at you with a simple smile.

"I dont promise i'll be good at any games but i'll look through them," He chuckled at your excitement and took the remotes, starting to look through many of the games, he didnt really see any he liked and reluctantly switched to looking through the tv shows and movies while you packed a pipe with one of the many weeds you had stored in your room.

finally he had picked a movie, it was a comedy horror so it was sure to just make you two laugh your asses off together, something you two needed desperately.

"Alright, Cmon sit next to me," You said as you had hopped onto the bed, it wasn't super large by any means so you two would definitely be a little snuggled up, he nervously got onto the bed and shifted to get comfortable and now you guys were touching sides.

his arm hairs from before on the truck ride home tickled your arms, You nervously felt around till you found a lighter and started to take a drag from your pipe to calm your nerves.

Randy Marsh x Reader [Discontinued/Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now