A Deal with the Devil

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Hey ho, so im sorry if updates become slow at any point, it may be lack of motivation or school who knows but for now im going to try to keep a decent uploading schedule i guess?? But be patient im a mentally unwell lmao


Many hours had passed and your parents arrived back home. The time spent between you and your brother were amazingly spent in seperate rooms never speaking a word to eachother. Not really amazingly actually you two never really needed to help eachother at home, and if you guys did it was for a split second.

"We're going to get ready for the party now!! We ordered food for you both!" You hear your moms voice boom from downstairs.

"THANK YOU!" You and your brother had yelled at the same time. You better start getting all of your things ready too, Maybe you could get all fancy! Or maybe you had to wear casual? You have never gone to an "adult" party before but all you can imagine is somewhat of a college party but with grown adults...

More casual it was then, you didnt want to get all your nice clothes all covered in the smell of booze and weed, it was already probably covered in the smell of weed from you just smoking in the vicinity of it.

Searching your closet and drawers you finally piece together a decently comfortable outfit that also fits you pretty well if you had to say. Setting the clothes to the side, you decided to change after your parents have left.

Tonight was going to be the best night and you couldnt wait. And for the time being you decided to go check out that meal your mother spoke about, the thought of food making your stomach practically grumble with joy, or maybe pain since you kind of forgot to eat, too focused on the party.


"Hey hey now stop grabbing!" Your mom laughs running down the stairs, your dad quickly following seeming as he was trying to grab her ass in the nice dress she was wearing. Its silver shine gleaming from the main light in the room.

"Cmon just one squee- oh. Hello there," your dad shifted, pretending to suddenly be a very professional man, fixing the collar to his shirt. "Was nothing i swear."

You on the other hand, were in one of the deepest food comas you might have put yourself into, sprawled out across the couch, you had taken the dinner into the living room to watch the tv only to have gorged yourself on it. The tender feeling of it almost melting in your mouth as you took each and every bite you couldnt help but eat most of it. Your brother had gotten a bit but mostly was interested in the frozen pizza they got for him instead.

"Ith okay.." you groan out, one hand rubbing your slightly bloated stomach. Taking one glance at your parents to only have to do a double take on their outfits. "Wooooow i see you, does Randy have you guys all dress up like this?"

"Oh no no this is just for me and Mom, we wanted to have a lil fun" Your dad said, winking and nudging her, a soft blush covering her cheeks, you could only get a weird feeling from this...

"Mmhm i just liked these outfits alot! Now make sure your brother actually eats, he's been a little bad about that recently. Oh and remember to lock the doors before you go to bed! We have keys so dont worry about us getting back in." Your mom explained jangling her keys in the air, your dad snatching them from her before making a quick jog to the door. "Hey! Get back here." She giggled running after him, grabbing one of her jackets and purses as he exited the house heading to the truck.

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