What Are They Hiding

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I changed the title of the chapter sorry gang :3


You drive and park on the side of the road of the house and cut the engine to the truck. Still feeling a buzz from the weed you made it back safely, thank god the police here are just fucking idiots...

You got out and pulled out the tote bag full of weed and merchandise that Randy let you take home for yourself and your family. Walking up to the door and opening it which was conveniently unlocked since everyone was home at this point.

"I'm Home!! I brought presents from the Marsh Family!!" You yelled out, heading into the kitchen and setting the bag onto the table.

Your mom walks into the room followed slowly by your father who seemed like he just woke up.

"Ah did i woke you from your little nap," You cooed at your dad who just gives you an annoyed look that faded once he saw the weed that you brought.

"God damn! How much did he give you?"

"Well technically its not legal for us to have this much weed in the house but the cops here dont give two shits." You shrug, arranging the jars of weed on top of eachother. "I only took three jars, and one is Indica, one is Sativa, and one is a hybrid, but they're all really good i promise you." You say

"Honey do we even smoke that much weed?" Your mom asked to your dad who shifts his gaze nervously between her and the jars

"Hell not usually but if im getting it for free and its good shit i'll do it." Your dad said plainly earning a scoff from her.

"Fine but you have to promise to not be high all the time that will really mess up your brain!" Your mom said to which your dad rolled his eyes

"Honey you smo- AHEM" he was caught off by a stern look from her which he then just refused to continue his sentence in fear of her getting any angrier. Deciding to let it go instead of instigating it you read into the bag again

"I also have some sweaters and hats from the gift shop. Oh and Randy mentioned a Party?" You said which lead your parents to perk up in shock.

"Randy invited... You?" Your parents asked in unison.

"Yeah? Why is that bad?" You ask.

"No no its not bad its just... We've gone to these adult parties of his for years since we've been in southpark i just cant believe he would invite... You?" Your mother stammered.

"Look you just, probably shouldnt go to the party tomorrow, Just for your own sake." Your dad said patting you on the shoulder.

"Wait but why? Is it because it's an adult party and you're scared of me being an adult??" You ask confused.

"No no its um, way worse than that.." your dad stammered looking for your mother for help, she just seemed to be lost in her mind thinking of something but you couldnt tell what...

"Look. Just. No party. Tell Randy that you are Busy." Your Dad said, taking the sweaters and hats "Thank you. For the presents." He said before walking to his room, Your mom looked back and forth between you and your dad walking away and she eventually caught up to him leaving you alone in the kitchen.

Randy Marsh x Reader [Discontinued/Hiatus]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ