twenty eight | christmas special 2008: the next doctor

Start from the beginning

Once more, the woman yelled, "Doctor!"

As he turned to face the woman, the Doctor told her, "No, no, I'm standing right here. Hello."

With a shake of her head, the woman said to him, "Don't be stupid. Who are you?"

The Doctor told her, "I'm the Doctor."

The woman replied, "Doctor who?"

The Doctor said to her, "Just the Doctor."

In turn, the woman said to him, "Well, there can't be two of you!" While Annabelle and the Doctor had only shared a look with one another, the woman looked past the Doctor as she asked, "Where the hell have you been?"

Then Annabelle and Doctor turned their attention over towards a man wearing a golden tie, who yelled to them, "Right then, don't worry! Stand back." After he came to a halt in front of the three of them, the man asked them, "What have we got here, then?"

With furrowed eyebrows, the Doctor asked him, "Hold on, who are you?"

With a quick turn of his head, the man told him, "I'm the Doctor. Simply the Doctor. The one, the only and the best." While Annabelle only scrunched her nose in response to seeing the man– who was calling himself the Doctor– wink at the Doctor that she was traveling with, the other Doctor turned to the woman and said to her, "Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver!"

In turn, the Doctor said, "The what?"

Then the other Doctor told Rosita, "Now, quickly, get back to the TARDIS!"

The Doctor asked him, "Back to the what?"

Then the other Doctor turned to the Doctor that Annabelle was traveling with and said to him, "If you and your lady friend could stand back, sir, this is a job for a Time Lord!"

With a scoff, Annabelle said, "His lady friend? Who the hell are you calling his lady friend?"

Then the Doctor asked the other Doctor, "Job for a what lord?"

It was then that the doors had opened and the four of them could see a creature with a face of metal staring at them, which got Annabelle to silently eye the creature at the same time that the Doctor and the other Doctor had both commented about the foe that stood in front of them.

Then Annabelle brought her attention over towards the Doctor and the other Doctor, both of whom pointed their devices at the creature and simultaneously yelled, "Allons-y!"

* * *

While Annabelle and the Doctor had both looked over at the other Doctor with furrowed eyebrows, the other Doctor told them, "I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight. Now, step back, sir and madam!"

It wasn't long afterwards that the creature had leapt up and grabbed onto one of the higher up windows, shortly before the Doctor said, "Some sort of primitive conversion, like they took the brain of a cat or a dog."

In turn, the other Doctor said to him, "Well, talking's all very well." Then he said to Rosita, "Rosita!"

As she came to a halt beside the other Doctor with a coil of rope in her hands, Rosita said to him, "I'm ready."

Then the other Doctor said, "Now, watch and learn."

With furrowed eyebrows and her nose still scrunched up, Annabelle watched as the other Doctor repeatedly threw the rope around in his hand before he tossed it towards the creature, which resulted in the creature letting out a roar after the rope was securely wrapped around it.

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