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563 19 27

You slowly open your eyes, your vision blurred and your head pounding. You remember having a conversation with someone or something, yet you couldn't remember who or what it was. All you could remember was the Ball Of Yarn you grabbed, which had been lying in your lap. Staring down at it, you felt motivated to do something. Anything. Whatever caused the motivation caused your eyes to begin watering. Thus, you rubbed your eyes gently before sitting up and looking at your surroundings. You sat on a cold purple stone slabbed floor that was covered in dead vines and moss. A few inches away from where you lied was a golden flowerbed and above you was a huge hole. It was a place you were incredibly unfamiliar with, though you pieced two and two together to realize you had fallen down into the hole.


You kept looking around the sad excuse of walls for a way back up, but came out with nothing. A very low hum escaped your dry lips as you held on to your Yarn and gazed to your right. A little further down from you was a long hallway with a large door at the end. It had a symbol carved into it, but you couldn't see it from where you sat. Part of you was hesitant about going near it, but you ignored it, running your slender fingers through your hair before standing up and walking towards the large door. Your footsteps echoed throughout the space with each step you took. It caused you to stop to tap your feet, entertaining you with the continuous echos. After a some time of your playful tapping, you reached the end of the hall and stared up at the door. It shared the same color as the stone that covered the floor and walls, you were almost convinced it was made from the same material.

[* 𝖮𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗈𝗈𝗋?]



You set your yarn ball down and began pushing the door with all your might. It opened extremely slow as you did, no matter how much force you added to it. The speed it went at begun to annoy you, but something stopped you from giving up. It was some sort of willpower residing within you, but you had no idea what it was. Eventually, the door opened wide enough for you to walk through and on the other side was a set of grey steps. You quickly picked up your yarn ball and rushed down, a smile creeping across your face as you hopped over the last couple of steps. Your smile faded just as quick as it came once you saw yet another flowerbed before you. However, this flowerbed was different than the last.

In the middle of this one, a flower much bigger than the rest stuck out like a sore thumb. It had yellow petals and a green stem, however it's pistil was white unlike the one's around it. It was currently turned away from you, and having a dying curiosity of why it was bigger than the rest; you walked towards it with an open hand to grab it. However, just before your finger tips reached it, vines came out of the ground and wrapped around your limbs.

"You must have thought you could get the jump on me..."

The flower slowly turned around, and much to your surprise; it had a face. It had eyes along with eyebrows of a sort and a mouth. It was like something straight out of cartoon, and it fascinated you. It held a huge grin for a moment before it's eyes slowly widened the second it's eyes saw your features.

"What? A. . . Human?"

It seemed conflicted for a moment before it's expression became one of angry confusion. The vines on your wrists tightened, causing you to let out a silenced cry of pain.

"No, you're not human. But... why do you look like one?"

It seemed like he didn't know whether to kill you or not. You didn't know what to do. Try and talk him out of hurting you, or break out and attack him. Regardless of what you picked, that part of you wanted to act of it's own accord. Suddenly, everything around you began to blink in and out of color constantly. The area around you became a void, similar to the one you had dreamt about, yet not so familiar. The flower, which used to have yellow petals, became black and white. It was just the flower that changed color, but you as well. You were also black and white, while in front of you sat a Dark Hot Pink Soul with a grayed out heart in the middle.

Our Souls Are Tied | Undertale X Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang