The Entities

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Thomas Coleman and his wife, Jennifer, were ecstatic when they found the old 1920's house they had been looking for

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Thomas Coleman and his wife, Jennifer, were ecstatic when they found the old 1920's house they had been looking for. It was a fixer-upper, but with Thomas's expertise as a handyman, they knew they could turn it into their dream home. The couple moved in and began to make plans to renovate the house.

Jennifer was thrilled about the idea of turning the old house into something modern and new, but Thomas was a little hesitant. He had a strange feeling about the place. It wasn't just the age of the house, it was something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Despite his reservations, Thomas began to work on the house. He removed the old furniture that came with the house and started to renovate the rooms. On the third night, strange things started to happen.

It started with simple things going missing, like Jennifer's wedding ring. They searched the house, but it was nowhere to be found. They began to hear footsteps in the night and scratching on the walls. The couple tried to ignore it, thinking it was just the house settling or maybe animals outside.

 The couple tried to ignore it, thinking it was just the house settling or maybe animals outside

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But then, one night, they heard a disembodied voice in the dark. It was a low whisper that seemed to be coming from the walls themselves. Jennifer was terrified and begged Thomas to call someone to help them.

Thomas was hesitant to call in anyone, thinking that it would just be a waste of time and money. But the activity in the house only continued to escalate. They were physically attacked by an unseen entity, with bruises appearing on their skin that couldn't be explained.

Finally, the couple decided to research the history of the house. They discovered that it had a dark and disturbed past. It was rumored that a family had been murdered in the house many years ago, and their spirits still lingered.

Thomas and Jennifer were desperate for help and decided to call in a priest to exorcise the troublesome ghost. The priest arrived and performed a ceremony to rid the house of the evil spirits.

But even after the exorcism, strange things continued to happen in the house. The couple was too scared to stay there any longer and ended up leaving the house behind.

As they drove away from the house, Thomas turned to Jennifer and said, "I told you we shouldn't have bought that old place. It was haunted." Jennifer just looked at him with tears in her eyes and nodded in agreement. They knew that the house would never truly be at peace, and that they were lucky to have escaped with their lives.

Months passed, but the memory of the haunted house still lingered in the couple's minds. They had never experienced anything like that before, and it had left them shaken to their core.

One day, Jennifer came across an old newspaper article about the history of the house. It gave more details about the family that had been murdered there. Apparently, the husband had gone insane and killed his wife and children before taking his own life.

The article went on to say that the spirits of the family were rumored to still haunt the house to this day, seeking revenge on anyone who dared to live there.

Jennifer felt a shiver run down her spine as she read the article. She couldn't believe that they had been living in a house with such a dark and disturbed past.

Thomas, who had been sitting next to her, took the article from her and began to read it himself. He knew that they had made the right decision to leave the house behind, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the family who had lost their lives there.

The couple tried to put the experience behind them and moved on with their lives. They found a new house that was everything they had ever wanted, and they were happy once again.

But every now and then, they would think back to the haunted house and wonder what had really happened there. They knew that they would never truly know the full story, but they were grateful to be free from its grip.

As they sat in their new home, watching the sun set over the horizon, Jennifer turned to Thomas and said, "I don't think I'll ever forget what happened in that old house."

Thomas took her hand and replied, "Neither will I. But we're safe now, and that's all that matters." They both smiled at each other, knowing that they had each other to rely on, no matter what life threw their way.

" They both smiled at each other, knowing that they had each other to rely on, no matter what life threw their way

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Authors Note:

Poltergeist phenomena are a type of paranormal activity that involves unexplained and often disruptive disturbances, typically in a particular location such as a house or building. The word "poltergeist" comes from the German words "poltern," meaning to make noise, and "geist," meaning spirit or ghost.

Poltergeist activity often includes objects moving or being thrown without explanation, doors opening and closing on their own, and unexplained sounds such as footsteps or voices. Some people who experience poltergeist activity also report physical sensations like being touched or pushed by an unseen force.

One theory about poltergeist activity is that it is caused by a person's subconscious mind, often a teenager or young adult, known as the "agent." The agent may be experiencing stress or other emotional turmoil that manifests as the poltergeist activity. This theory is known as the "psychokinetic hypothesis."

Other explanations for poltergeist phenomena include ghosts or spirits, either benevolent or malevolent, or even demonic activity. Skeptics argue that many cases of poltergeist activity can be explained by natural causes such as drafts, vibrations, or even hoaxing.

Despite the many theories and explanations for poltergeist activity, there is no conclusive evidence to support any one explanation. Poltergeist activity remains a mysterious and fascinating phenomenon, intriguing paranormal investigators and skeptics alike.

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