When Rebecca finished speaking, Jess drew her into a hug. "We've been friends for a long time, and I'm with you no matter what. For what it's worth, I think you're making the right choice, especially for Stephen. Like you said, he's too young to understand now, but he's picking up on the tension. The less time he spends in that strained environment, the better."

"Thanks, Jess," Rebecca said and squeezed her friend tighter.

Jess pulled away a bit and looked Rebecca in the eyes. "And if this guy," she started. "If Ben is even half as wonderful as the smile on your face suggests, he's got my vote!"

"Awww. Ben's got the Jessica seal of approval? Wow! It so rarely happens; I can't even remember the last time you gave one out," Rebecca joked.

"You know, neither do I!" Jess laughed. "And that includes my own dates!"

"Damn!" Rebecca laughed. "I thought you were seeing someone from the gym."

Jess scrunched her nose, trying to place who Rebecca was talking about. "Oh yeah—the owner," Jess remarked wistfully. "I'm not seeing her. I wouldn't mind, but I heard she has a boyfriend." Jess' mind raced back to the yoga class a few nights previous, where she and Fiona had fooled around.

"Yeah, I don't think that would stop her. You should see how she looks at my friend Juliet," Rebeca laughed. "Like a thirsty man staring at a glass of water, that one."

"Really?" Jess was coming to realize why she couldn't seem to keep Fiona's attention last night. "Well, you know me. I'm always up for a challenge. Let's see if I can draw her attention to me instead of your friend."

"You're such a letch, Jess! Leave the woman alone. Then again, I don't know how far she would get with my friend. Juliet's married, and she and her wife have a kid about the same age as Stephen."

"Did you say she has a wife?" Jess asked. "She's gay?"

"Yeah, I did. And yes, she is."

"Interesting. You'll have to point her out to me the next time we are at the gym."

"Sure, but again, she's married, Jessica," Rebecca laughed and patted her partner on the shoulder.

"I need to get laid, Bec. It's been too long!" Jessica complained.

"Poor you," Rebecca snickered. "I gotta go. Ihave to pick up Stephen and meet Juliet for a 'mommy and me' group in about anhour," Rebecca said, opening the SUV door.

"The only reason you're being so cavalier is 'cause you see sex happening in the near future!" Jessica sneered. 

Rebecca shot her a look as two of their fellow officers passed by just out of earshot. 

Jessica raised her hands in acquiescence. "Okay, I'll see you tonight. I look forward to hearing how wonderful Ben is at that time." Jessicarolled her eyes and waved as Rebecca pulled out of the parking lot


Rebecca drove home and sat parked in the driveway. She thought about her marriage and the moment she decided to buy the townhouse. She really had tried to make things work with Kenneth. They had been in love once - she was sure of it. But that was so long ago it hardly seemed to matter.

They didn't like each other, barely respected each other professionally, and certainly did not love one another. Rebecca had even requested to work the night shift, so she wouldn't have to share a bed with him.

Stephen was conceived during a period of attempted reconciliation that did not take.

It was time to end it.

Rebecca couldn't wait to do the Pre-Delivery Inspection on the townhouse with the builder. She had received an email during her shift scheduling the inspection, which meant construction was nearly complete, and possession might be possible earlier than expected.

The inspection was scheduled for the next day. Once complete, she would tell Kenneth she was leaving. She would tell Ben her plan when she saw him, so if Kenneth lost it and told her to get out, as she suspected he would, she and Stephen might have a place to stay. 

She was certain Ben would say yes. She was only afraid she wouldn't want to leave if she moved in with him, even for a short time. Rebecca knew she needed to make it on her own with Stephen, if only for a little while. She wanted to be with Ben, and ultimately, she wanted to share a home with him. She just needed to do this for herself and her son first.

A feeling of calm washed over her; she had made her decision. She climbed out of the car and walked into the house.

"Oh, look, Stephen. Your mother decided to show up. How generous of her to carve some time out of her busy day to spend with you." Kenneth laid into Rebecca the moment she stepped in the door. It had become their daily routine. One that would often end with the slamming of doors and Rebecca feeling inadequate and stricken with guilt.

Rebecca refused to allow that to happen to her any longer. "Just stop, Kenneth. No one's here to take in the second act, and I know I'm not interested in hearing how hard done by you are having to take care of your son. You don't want to do it? Don't. I found a fantastic sitter. And she is more likely to make better decisions about his care than you would."

Kenneth gaped at her as she stepped passed him and picked her son up from the playpen in the family room.

"I am taking him to Early Years today," Rebecca stated and turned as she heard the door close behind her. Kenneth had walked out. She heard the engine of his Audi S4 roar to life and the car pull away.

"Well," Rebecca said to Stephen, "I guess Daddy doesn't want to know about our plans today. That's okay. Today, we're going to see Ben. You like Ben, right? Yeah, I know you do. He's great."

Rebecca packed Stephen's diaper bag and an extra set of clothes and put him in his car seat. She then grabbed her gym bag, tossed her travel toiletries and some extra clothes in the bag and zipped it closed.

She looked around the bedroom and nodded. If today were the last day she saw any of this stuff, she would be just fine. She picked up their bags and put them and her son in the car.

It was a new day.

Beautiful ThingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora