She came over to me and knelt down in front of me "Have you ate?" I shook my head and she looked at my arm "Well let's go eat and get you some ice. Sounds good?"

"Are you nice?"

"I try to be" She smiled "I promise I'll be nice to you. Everyone in this house will".

"Watch it twerp" I looked over seeing a boy pushing a girl out of the way.

"Fuck off Matteo" She pushed him back then he pushed her back "Teo! Stop!" She screamed. "You asshole!"

"Laila language," my uncle said looking at her.

"Sorry," she mumbled crossing her arms. Matteo or Teo smiled at her then flicked her off "You son of bit-"

My uncle grabbed her by her shirt and then looked at Matteo "Stop antagonizing your cousin"

I stepped back into Angela and she gently grabbed my hand, not my arm. "Hey, it's okay. Those two fight like cats and dogs but they love each other, don't let them fool you."

"Matteo come here," My uncle said

"Yes, baba?"

"This is your cousin Lail, don't talk to him how you talk to Laila understand?" He nodded his head "Good, you two get him acquainted with the house. I don't know if you two heard but lunch is ready"

"Come on," Matteo said "You'll like it here. Definitely better than that shit hole you were at"

"Matteo Mostafa, watch your mouth," Angela said "Why the hell are you two cussing so much today" She looked at them putting her hands on her hips giving them another look then walking back into the kitchen.

"Sorry auntie" He looked at me "Laila's gonna love you, she's the only girl here and usually tries to get me to play with her fucking Barbies and shit" He shook his head "Don't let her talk you into it"



I got pulled into a hug which scared me "I'm Laila your big sister" She pulled me to look at her and then hugged me again "You're so cute"

"Our names sound alike"

"Duh you were named after the greatest" She looked up "Second great woman in the world"

"You aren't a woman," Matteo said

"I am, well I will be soon. Some girls start their period as early as 10"

"Gross" Matteo said scrunching his face up.

"It's normal dumbass" She drew her fist back like she was going to hit him

"You hit me and I'll beat your ass"

"I'm telling my baba you threatened me again"

"Snitch" he reached for her but she took a step towards the door and he glared at her.

"Try me bitch"

"You guys are weird" I mumbled looking down at my arm. A bruise was already on there and I was wondering when Angela was coming with an ice pack.

Matteo started laughing and Laila hugged me again "We can't wait to break you in. You'll be weird like us in no time," my big sister said hugging me tightly.

"Lail? Lail, do you hear me?" I looked up at my dad "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing" I sat up "What's going on?"

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now