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She picked up her pace, slightly walking in front of her captors, and then she did something fairly simple; put her legs out and trip them. They fell to the ground with a thud, releasing their vice-like grips on Kate's arms. She continued on walking, stepping on the policemen's hands as she did so.

She shifted her bound hands down and lifted her left leg up, putting it through her hands, then the right leg, doing the same.

Kate turned the corner, and more police awaited her, unready for her to hit them. She paused, stepped back to the corner and knocked, hard, against the wall. All the dozen of officers turned to her and pulled their batons. She didn't really care, as long as she got to hit something.

"Now listen here, boys!" She exclaimed angrily. "I want a bloody reason why my hands are in cuffs, 'cause I'm really, really bloody pissed off!" The cops looked at one-another, until one of them put away their weapon with a smile and started walking towards her. 

"Miss, we apologise, this has all just been a misunderstanding." The man said, walking closer to Kate. "Here, just let me take you to the station and we can sort this all out." He put one hand on Kate's shoulder, the other behind his back, going to grab something.

     As soon as Kate saw the reflection of light from the small knife the man pulled, she grabbed his hair and brought his head down to meet her knee. She threw him to the side, blood spouting from his nose. They all stared at her, surprised she just did that. "Well?" She asked. "Are you just gonna stare at this pretty face or are ya gonna try to punch it?"

They surged forward.

     She grabbed the baton of the first one and pulled his elbow down on her knee, snapping it with a nice pop.

The next one she tripped and stomped on.

She grabbed another one by the shirt and threw him into the rest. Only 3 of them still stood.

"Run." Kate said, her speech dripping with terrifying maliciousness.

They pulled their guns and Kate grinned.

Now, they're gonna have some fun.

As the hallway filled with gunfire, Kate took cover behind a thin lip in the wall.

"Well, crap." She mumbled to herself. She looked around for a weapon. "AH!" She heard from one of the police in horrible pain, his knee bursting as a bullet skidded past it.

Now there's an idea.

     She grabbed his hand and dragged him closer. Kate grabbed his baton first, quickly hitting him in the face for fun, she then grabbed his pistol.

When the gunfire ceased she grasped her opportunity. She jumped sideways, firing off shots as she fell. The 3 men fell, dead before they hit the ground.

     She heard static mumbling from one of the officers walkie-talkies.

"Respond! Respond! —— We heard gunshots, what happened? —— Shall we send reinforcements?" Kate picked it up and hovered it in front of her face.

"Send as many as ya like, I'll kill 'em all." She said, her tone in fashion with a madwoman.

"Who——this? —— What did you do?" The static voice asked, sounding quite terrified.

"I apologise, I'm sure you're a nice person, but I just got attacked by more than a dozen policemen and I'm sorry to say, but most are incapacitated, and 3 are dead." She dropped the walkie-talkie and walked towards the main entrance, hoping to see a perfectly parked cop car just waiting to be stolen.

Instead, she got 7 officers aiming rifles at her.

     Kate dived for one of the many podiums in the large room. She only just noticed, she gunned her way into the fancier hotel next-door.

She slapped her forehead when she noticed that she only had one clip of ammunition.

"Oh, crap. That's not good." She said under her breath. She desperately took the  clip from the pistol and checked how many bullets were left. Seeing only 3 she looked towards the desk a few feet away from her. The poor receptionist was still stuck behind the desk, crouched under the thick stone bench.

     "Cease fire!" An officer yelled and the gunfire stopped.

"What do you want from me?!" Kate yelled at them, exasperated. "We just wanna talk, this is all just a big misunderst-"

"Misunderstanding my arse!" Kate interjected. Their was a bit of chuckling.

"You really don't want to come out of here alive, do you?" The man said, his tone suddenly serious.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing."

     The room erupted with gunfire once again and Kate made a mad dash for the desk.

As she slid down to the cover of the stone she fired once more, hitting an officer in the chest and he fell down in agony.

The young receptionist was hyperventilating beside Kate. He was a slender man of around late 20s, he had glasses that suited his body.

Kate thought he seemed innocent enough.

"Hey," She said to him and he looked up. "I don't want anyone to get shot unless it's those bastards, go."

He nodded and got onto his hands and knees. The receptionist started crawling towards the side of the desk, and when the firing stopped and the police reloaded he put his hands into the air.

"Please! I don't know what's going on! Please!" He yelled, his voice breaking with terror.

One of the officers waved him over and he stumbled over to them.

"Get outta here!" Another officer yelled, hitting him in the back with the butt of his rifle. He tripped out the door.

While this was happening Kate had snuck between podiums and was actually standing right behind one of the officers.

"Top of the morning to ya, laddies."

The police spun and immediately the officer she stood behind received a punch in the face, followed by a twist of the arm, and then a snap of the latter.

She grabbed the pistol from his holster and shot every single officer left in the room, not even pausing to take cover or to take prisoners.

     In the distance, the roaring of an engine could be heard. Above all others, this engine was the most noticeable, because it belonged to a large yellow-and-blue painted ute that was driving straight for the glass doors.

     Kate grabbed the nearest assault rifle and took aim for the drivers seat.

"Come at me, I dare ya, come at me." She said, her aim remaining on the place Kate imagined the driver to be as time passed by in slow-motion. The glass shattered, she fired, bullets rammed into the drivers chest repeatedly, he lost control, the ute swung, the large vehicle lifted from the ground, flying though the air in a magnificent ballet of destruction.

Actually, play some Beethoven over this, it's quite beautiful. 

She fell to the ground, the vehicle, amazingly, flying over her.

She stood up, looking at the chaos around her, enjoying the sight of it.

"Think I might give the boys a call."

Thanks! To your right we have we have the gift shop, to the left we have more consumerism. Hope you guys enjoyed! Next chapter is already up and badass!

The Banshees Vol. 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu