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"Dialog in Italics" = English

"Dialog regular"= Korean

Two incredibly handsome trainees stood together behind a table with a big box on it. On either side of the box were tablets, one was showing a timer, and the other was showing the mystery item that the big box was housing.

"Hello, I am Zhang Hao from Fujian, China!" The cute trainee had healthy looking pale skin, high cheekbones that gave him an aristocratic look, and nicely styled reddish-brown hair.

The guy to his side was towering him by a few inches, and had a bit more of a mature look over the youthful boy appearance of the first contestant.

"Hello, I'm Seok Subin from New York, America," he smiled. His voice was somewhat high despite the sharp features he had, a complete opposite of another contestant named Bak Doha, who had a cute baby face but had a really deep voice.

"Ready?" Subin looked at Zhang Hao for confirmation before the timer started.

"Yeah, Let's do it together," the Chinese trainee nodded, sounding confident, but he had accidentally slipped in his hand while looking at Subin, and had managed to scare himself.

Subin blinked when Zhang Hao yelped, "Wuah? Already?" he stared at his partner.

"I'm sorry," Zhang Hao chuckled shyly, "let's do it again."

"Ok! One, two, three!"

Both trainees shoved their arms inside the box with no hesitation, and started patting around until they found what seemed to be a bowl.

"Oh! I think I found it," Subin looked at Zhang Hao's confused expression as he waved his hand inside the box.

"Here-" Subin grabbed whatever was in the bowl, and tried to pass a piece of it to his partner.

"Ah, thank you," Zhang Hao smiled cutely, earning a chuckle from Subin.

Now that the both of them had finally gotten a hand on the mystery item, they both played around with it.

Zhang Hao scrunched his face in confusion the more he touched the thing.

"What is this," Subin mumbled, pulling at the thin and soft strands of whatever the thing was.

"Ah!" he suddenly perked up, "I think I know!" Zhang Hao looked horrified at the thought of losing the challenge when it had just started, but he was simultaneously impressed and in awe at Subin for having figured it out so quickly.

"It's that mushroom! The thin ones that come in big clumps!"

"But what's it called?" The staff asked, and now it was Subin's turn to look horrified once he realized that he had forgotten the name.



While the tall male panicked, Zhang Hao managed to figure out what the mystery item was thanks to the obvious clues that Subin had given.

"Answer! Enoki Mushroom!" Zhang Hao shouted amidst Subin's wailing.

The Chinese trainee was looking at the staff expectantly, when Subin suddenly screeched, ripping his arm from the box.


Zhang Hao looked at him with raised eyebrows, innocently holding what he thought was enoki mushroom.

Are you ok?"

"Something sticky touched me!"

"Eh?" Zhang Hao continued to stare at Subin who was now whipping his hand on his pants, when suddenly, something or someone grasped his wrist.

"WOAH!" He also pulled his hand out in a hurry, scared of the foreign thing inside the box.

"Is it not mushrooms?!" Subin hesitantly moved towards the table just as the timer ended.

"You can check inside the box now," the staff called out, so the guys walked to the front to finally see what was inside the box.

"Oh it is enoki mushrooms!" Zhang Hao smiled since it meant that he had won the challenge.

"This can't be the thing that touched me," Subin grumbled, feeling embarrassed from his uncool behavior a few seconds ago.

"Yeah, how can it grab my hand?" Zhang Hao stared hard at the mushrooms. The guys were giving their backs to the camera while they inspected the mushrooms.

Subin flinched and jumped away from the table when something grabbed his ankle.

"WOAH!" He flew like five feet away from the table and landed on his ass, giving the cameraman a clear view of his horror struck expression.

Zhang Hao, on the other hand, jumped and screamed when the ghost person appeared from under the table. At least he managed to escape successfully unlike Subin who was now laying on the ground, covering his face in shame.

"I knew there was going to be someone under the table, but I didn't expect them to grab me," Subin lamented the death of his cool persona.

"Somehow I ended up on the floor again..."

Zhang Hao couldn't help but giggle at the mystery of his partner.

"Hyung, let's do the PR together," Zhang Hao smiled, pulling the taller boy up.

"I only guessed it because he said what it was first," he admitted that it was only fair for them to promote together. 

Once the two trainees fixed themselves up, they stood in front of the camera looking as if the chaos that occurred a few seconds ago never happened.

"I'm Zhang Hao!"

"And I'm Seok Subin!"

"Please support us and vote for us!"

"Thank you!"

They smiled brightly as the BOYS PLANET logo appeared, ending the video. 


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952 Comments Sort By

Hanya Ka
I can't with their cuteness! They are both my favorite picks! The visual between the both of them is insane!

그들은 너무 바보 같아, 나는 그들이 함께 정말 사랑 ㅋㅋㅋ

I can't get enough of them! Subin is so silly! He also fell down in another one of his PR videos!

They make a great pair since they are both incredibly accomplished!

I love that Subin has such a dark charismatic look, but is in reality just a giant baby!

WHat a chaotic duo! I'm here for it! Would love it if they debuted together!

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