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Serenity laughs at the gobsmacked expressions on their faces as their brains finish rebooting.

The first one to recover being Silas who laughs with her and reaches out to pull her under his arm in a side hug. She laughs happily as she does her best to hug him back despite their height difference.

"I'm soaking wet Silas." She taps at his arm as she speaks through her laughter. But he just pulls her closer, clearly not caring too much about that. The others watch with fondness as they begin putting away the groceries.

Nathan walks over to him, holding a pink towel in his hands for her to dry off. "We don't want you to get sick." Serenity takes the towel, with a word of thanks, wrapping it around her figure tightly.

"So, bubblegum." Luke speaks up, putting some items into the fridge. "Are you hungry?" He smiles, ignoring the glare, North was shooting him from the corner of his eye.

Kota and Victor just watch everything go down, before Kota clears his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the kitchen. Including Silas, who still had his arm around Serenity, Gabriel laughing under his breath.

"Serenity, we've invited some more...friends over, who'd like to meet you." Kota looked directly into her eyes, seemingly gauging her reaction to his words.

Serenity just shrugged slightly, letting Silas arm stay over her shoulder. "That's fine, they're your friends after all."

Gabriel reached over to pluck at her curls, a mischievous smile on his face at her words. "Always so understanding, trouble." Which caused her to gasp in mock outrage, starting a playful argument between the two.

North abruptly turned to look at Silas, an irritated glare on his face. "Will you get off the poor girl, you're probably squishing her." Despite his irritated demeanor, there's a hint of amusement in his voice.

Silas just smirked, pulling her even closer to him. "Jealous, North?" He teased, enjoying the moment.

North rolled his eyes, glaring at Luke who was laughing off to the side. "What're you laughing at?" Luke stops his chuckles, staring at him. "You, little brother." Luke runs out of the kitchen, hearing North chasing after him.

Nathan runs after them as well, calling out to them as they run upstairs. "Do not mess up the house!" Kota just listens fondly, Victor chuckling next to him in amusement, still watching Serenity and Gabriel's odd argument.

"You know what." Serenity taps Silas arm, looking away from Gabriel dramatically. "I'm done arguing with you." Her voice is dramatically sarcastic, clearly turning on the dramatics up to ten. Gabriel just rolled his eyes playfully, opening his mouth to retort before he heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." Kota goes to answer the front door, already knowing exactly who it was. Mr. B and Sean had finally decided to show up. Opening the front door, he sees the two men standing there.

"Mr. Lee, you look... happy." Owen commented, stepping into the house with Sean behind him. His eyes scan the living room for their little guest.

Sean hears North, Nathan and Luke tussling upstairs, shaking his head fondly, "Well, well, I see you guys have been having fun. Now where's the lovely lady?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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