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Honestly before I even know it Lunch is right around the corner.

I'm currently in the restroom closest to the cafeteria staring into a mirror.

I'm trying to hype myself up.

I don't think it's working...

"It'll be fine they seem like nice guys." I nod confidently to myself in the mirror "I've got this."

Famous last words.

I wash and dry my hands before leaving the restroom to confront my fate.

I don't even know what table they're at!

So now I'm standing by the cafeteria entrance scanning the crowd in hopes of catching a glimpse of them.

Thankfully I spot them.

They're sitting at a table in the far left corner of the room, and there looks to be way more then 3 of them.

Because they're sitting with the 4 boys I met earlier.

I didn't realize they know each other!

Obviously North and Luke know each other cause they're brothers, but all of them?!

I'm going to lose my mind

Maybe I could sneak out before they notice I'm here...

"Hey Serenity Over here!"

Never mind then

It's okay Serenity you've got this!

I raise my hand to wave "Hey! Sorry I'm late." I walked to the table and took the only empty space available which was between Gabriel and Silas.

Great...now I'm sandwiched between 2 very attractive men.

I'm going to enjoy this.

Nathan (the one who called me over) shrugs "It's no big deal just glad you actually showed up."

It's not like I had much of a choice since Hayoon forced me.

"You're hair is still so fucking pretty."

I turn when I hear Gabriel's voice "Uh thank you?"

He smiles which makes me melt on the inside "Yea no problem, but how do you get it to look so...bouncy?"

If there's one thing I could talk about it was definitely hair care.

They listened to me rant on about my hair routine with fond smiles and amused eyes. They didn't interrupt me once, until I was finally finished, and then our conversations changed topics.

Luke told me about a diner him and North work at after school, which led to me teasing North about being such a good chef despite his brooding appearance.

Victor said he plays the piano, and a good friend of theirs knows how to play the violin. I asked him if he could play for me one day, and he willingly agreed.

Kota has a dog named Max, and he even showed me a few pictures, I always wanted a pet, but with mother being the way she is I know that would never happen.

Gabe kept trying to mess with my hair, I told him he was a meanie and he seemed to take offense to that and started calling me trouble. That was a very interesting series of events.

Silas told me about his life in Greece before he moved, it seems he was a little homesick. I reached up to rub his arm in comfort, but when I felt his bicep I immediately put my hand back down.

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