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Chapter 72

    Shen Tinglan was touched by the system's words.

    Yes, she always feels that this world is illusory, and her original world is real.

    But now she can never go back to the original world, but she still wants to continue living in this "illusory" world.

    She always uses the original plot to "label" the people around her, but she never thought that these people are no longer the "paper people" in the book! They are all real people living in this world!

    And human nature is complicated, which cannot be explained clearly by a "label".

    She suddenly felt that she seemed to want to understand something.

    Just as she was thinking about this, her cell phone rang suddenly.

    She subconsciously glanced at the caller ID, it was actually Lu Xiyan calling!

    "Hello, Teacher Lu?"

    "Are you free to have dinner together tonight?" As if afraid of her misunderstanding, Lu Xiyan quickly explained, "I want to talk to you about the details of the "Chicken Tonight" you designed. Talk."

    "Yes, yes! What time, where are you going?"

    Shen Tinglan will join the filming of "I'm Really Sick" in a few days, and Deng Xin has not arranged work for her these days, let her rest a few days.

    Lu Xiyan finished talking about the time and place on the phone, and then sent her a message on WeChat after hanging up the phone.

    The time was one and a half hours later, and it happened to catch up with the evening rush hour in the capital, so the time was pretty tight!

    Shen Tinglan got up from the bed stiffly, simply put on her makeup, and went out with her bag.

    All the way to the private restaurant Lu Xiyan mentioned, 10 minutes later than the agreed time.

    She followed the waiter to the box, where Lu Xiyan was already waiting.

    "I'm late! Sorry sorry!"

    "It's okay, I didn't consider the traffic jam during the evening rush hour." Lu Xiyan waved his hand to signal the waiter to serve the food.

    The waiter saw the two sitting together as if they were on a date, and she was very gossip in her heart, but because of her professionalism, she neither dared to gossip about the customers, nor did she dare to tell what she saw in the box.

    After the waiter went out, Shen Tinglan asked, "It seems that Teacher Lu is quite satisfied with "Eat Chicken Tonight"?"

    Lu Xiyan nodded, and his eyes did not hide his appreciation for her, "This game you designed Very imaginative, and some details are thoughtful, if I hadn't searched the market and found no similar games, I would have thought you had already played this kind of game." Shen

    Tinglan In my heart, I admire Lu Xiyan's vicious eyes. Didn't I just play this game before?

    She thought about it and said, "Actually, you are right."

    "Do you believe in parallel worlds? I always have some strange dreams. In my dreams, I live in a parallel world. The civilization of that world is exactly the same as ours. It's just a movie. The content of TV series and games are different."

After regaining the halo of the heroine, She became popularTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang