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Chapter 49

    Shen Tinglan frowned, and said half-jokingly, "Maybe it's because my second vein of Ren and Du was suddenly opened up?"

    Although she didn't have so many golden finger skills in the original world, she has been working hard these years. His acting skills are very professional, and he never needs a double in filming scenes, he does it all by himself.

    And she did not make less action movies before, and she is not familiar with martial arts movements. Now with the blessing of "Kung Fu" skills, she can shoot martial arts moves like a fish in water, and she even thinks that if she designs this set of moves, it will definitely be more beautiful!

    In addition, she has a good memory since she was a child, and she has specially trained her memory later on. In addition, she needs to memorize a lot of lines when she becomes an actor. She has already practiced the ability of photographic memory. Watch these actions once and memorize them all.

    Shen Tinglan's scene completely convinced the actors on the set.

    The next scene went even more smoothly, Shen Tinglan didn't make any mistakes at all, even if it was NG, it was because of someone else's mistakes.

    Yuan Cheng, an old actor in the same group, looked at Shen Tinglan flying around in the sky with the wire hanging, and was a little dazed, "Is this little girl human? She can maintain such a good balance while hanging the wire. She is still so fluent? She must have started practicing right after she was born!"

    Director Ren stroked his chin with a proud expression on his face, "How about it, I am amazing! Another good seed has been found!"

    Yuan Cheng said from the bottom of his heart. Nodding, "It's amazing! It's really amazing!"

    Director Ren was very proud, and turned to ask the screenwriter next to him, "Why don't you change the script? Don't let her die? Tsk tsk, otherwise such a good skill will only be filmed for a few minutes It's such a pity!"

    The screenwriter's hands trembled, some of the tea in the cup spilled out, and he looked very sad, "How did you promise me at the beginning? Didn't we agree not to change the script once the filming started? Is it? Hey~ It really is a man's mouth that deceives people! Men mean what they say, and sows can climb trees~"

    Director Ren couldn't bear it anymore, "You are not like a man!"

    The screenwriter gave him a sideways glance, and said as a matter of course, "I am a good man, so naturally I am different from you stinky men who run the train, have no integrity, and go back and forth all day long!

    " "Old Wu, why don't you change this again? Believe me! This is the last time to change the script!" Screenwriter Wu was furious!

    Pooh! A scumbag who runs the train with his mouth full!

    Director Ren: "..."

    He has worked with Lao Wu for many years, and the two of them have a very good understanding. He also knows that his old friend is just a joker, and in the end he will change the script according to his request.

    Sure enough, after screenwriter Wu complained, he said awkwardly, "It's impossible not to let her die, otherwise all the subsequent plots will have to be reshot! But..."

    He thought for a while before continuing, "But We can let her have more shots in this episode, such as lengthening the fighting scene, or taking more shots as Situ Mo's memories." "Or... let

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