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Chapter 80

    The police arrived soon and took Meng Yang's fans and Shen Tinglan to the police station.

    There are 12 fans in total, 10 girls and 2 boys. Several police officers contacted the parents of these fans immediately after asking them about their contact information.

    There is a temporary rest room in the police station, and there is a place where you can take a shower. A policewoman took Shen Tinglan to the lounge to clean up the egg liquid on her body, leaving two policewomen in the room to watch the rest.

    Shen Tinglan was in a panic all over.

    Meng Yang's fans mainly targeted her, and the stones and eggs in the bag basically greeted her.

    The early autumn weather in Hengshi was still hot. She was wearing short sleeves, and her arms were scratched in several places, and her clothes were also stained with egg liquid.

    The policewoman originally wanted her to take a shower and change into clean clothes, but seeing the large and small scratches on her arms and the scratch on the palm of her right hand by the glass of a broken wine bottle, she was a little afraid to let Shen Tinglan water on the wound.

    The policewoman found a clean towel, wet it with warm water, and handed it to Shen Tinglan, asking her to wipe it gently with her uninjured hand, while she rummaged through the medicine box.

    "These kids outside are your black fans? This attack is too ruthless!" There are

    too many crews who come to Hengshi to film movies every year, and the police here also know more or less some gossip about the entertainment industry.

    "Barely counted. Children's three views have not yet formed, and it's normal to be easily bewitched."

    Just now I didn't pay attention to these wounds and didn't feel pain. Seeing these wounds bleeding now, Shen Tinglan gasped in pain.

    The female policeman came to her with a medical kit and sighed softly, "The abrasion on your arm is okay, it's not too serious, just disinfect it! It's hot now, so let's not bandage it, it'll be fine if you let it dry." Hurry up!"

    "But the wound on the palm of your hand is a little deep, I have to sterilize you first and then bandage it with medicine, it may hurt a little, bear with it for a while!" Shen Tinglan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stretching out his right hand heroically

    . give her.

    The policewoman looked at her bleeding palms and felt pain for her, but she had to deal with it, so she could only sterilize her.

    Fortunately, the female policeman was nimble, and quickly sterilized her with good medicine, and began to bandage her with gauze.

    The police station was not too far from the hotel. Just as the policewoman helped her bandage up, Ruan Tian, ​​who was sent to the hotel to pick up the clothes, brought over all the clothes inside and out.

    After Shen Tinglan changed her clothes, she and Ruan Tian followed the policewoman to the room where the fans and Ye Fan were.

    In the room, the blond-haired boy saw a few girls who were obviously scared, and he hated to teach them, "What are you afraid of! We didn't do anything! It was just a joke with that bitch!" He sat by the

    window The short-haired policewoman scolded him severely, "Keep your mouth clean!" "Do

    you know how powerful my family background is? How dare you talk to me like that! Be careful I will make you lose your job!" Yellow-

After regaining the halo of the heroine, She became popularOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant