Ch. 41 Will You?

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    Alexander took my hands in his, "In one year, you've managed to make me happy. Happier than I've ever been. Before you I drowned myself in alcohol and woman trying to fill a void in my life. I was rich, but money can't buy happiness. When I was younger I thought it would, but I was wrong. I had to move away from my family, not that they supported me moving to the city and following my dreams. They wanted me to be working out at the farm, you see I wasn't raised in wealth either. But I couldn't stand being there anymore. It was horrible, so when I turned eighteen, I left. I left and never came back. I barely keep contact with my parents, I thought it'd be better that way. But it's worse. Still I managed to start this company, to become famous. But it just made me hollow. Cynical. Pessimesstic. Then I ran into you. Literally. And at first I was going to fire you, but you wouldn't be quiet, and then you ran off. Now I'm grateful I didn't. Because without you I probably wouldn't be here. You are my savior Alice, and I love you. More than you'll ever know."

    He said that all, and my eyes widened. Tears formed, and I wiped them away. "Wow Alex. That's..." I trailed off, then I met his gaze again, "I feel the same way." I answered, he kissed my forehead. "When I was around eleven my mom was diagnosed with cancer. For years she'd go to her therapy sessions but they didn't work. Not at all. My father started drinking himself to sleep every night, and while he was black out drunk in the kitchen, I was locked in my closet ripping apart my arms, and crying until I felt nothing. Every night I hoped I'd die. Then my mom died when I was thirteen. She went into a coma because of her cancer, and she was on life support. My father decided to pull the plug. After that we tried to support each other, but he still got a serious drinking problem, and I still cut. He gave himself liver cancer from drinking so much, and when I was seventeen, he literally drank himself to death. Like a slow suicide that I got to watch happen. After that I was shoved into an orphanage with an abusive foster parent, they kicked me out when I turned eighteen. I was homeless until I turned twenty, then I started working for your company. Now I'm actually glad I never killed myself, for once I'm actually happy to still be breathing."

    Alexander smiled at me, and we kissed. It was sensitive, gentle, he pulled back.

    "Alice I know this really isn't traditional, and don't think I'm not going to get you a ring worth millions," he started, confusion hit me. "What are you talking about?"

    Alexander stared at me, "You know I love you?" He asked, "I love you too."

    He smiled a small, but genuine smile.

    "Then, Alice Vanessa Jones, will you marry me?"

    I smiled in surprise.

    "Of course I will, Allie."

    His lips crushed mine, and I've never seen him smile wider before.

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