Ch. 34 Don't Worry About Calling Me Again.

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When I walked into the office near the end of the day, everyone stared, and I knew they all hated me. Especially my once close friend Mindy. I don't know why they hated me, but right when I became their manager, they treated me like a hostile alien species. Mindy glared at me, and I just collected the report from Drake, and went into my office.

Mindy had turned in all her reports late while I was gone, and I knew it was challenge. If I didn't do something about it the office would doubt my authority, but if I did do something about it everyone would hate me. "Fuck." I muttered, at the end of the day I called her into my office. She came in with a sickly sweet smile.

"What might the problem be, Alice?" She asked, with a sneer. Mindy was like poison. I stood up, and finally, I was pissed off. I'm sorry for being a good employee, I'm sorry for doing my job, but I shouldn't be fucking sorry for not being stupid. "I'm sorry, is there nothing wrong?" She kept taunting me, fluttering her lashes. I guess she was what you could call a fake friend. I picked up a clip board, and slammed it against my desk, so hard it snapped in half. The sound echoed through out the whole office, and she shut up. Her eyes wide. I held the severed clip board in my hands. "If you don't shut your fucking stupid, flapping jaws, you'll regret it." She closed her gaping mouth, and I dropped the broken clipboard into the trash can.
I crossed my arms. "You've changed." She growled, "You don't know anything about me Mindy. Nothing at fucking all. I've given you chance after chance because I want to be your friend, but I'm done with trying to be your friend." I snapped, she stared at me. "You're a stupid cunt who thrives off of making my life miserable, and you can't fucking stack files without messing up. I dealt with that shit for my whole life, letting people boss me around, and I'm fucking done with your stupid lack of responibility." Her bottom lip was trembling, and her eyes were wide. "You want to see me changed? Well your wish has finally fucking come true," I snapped, "Alice -"

"Don't you ever fucking call me Alice, I'm your boss!" I shouted, she jerked back like I slapped her, and she was crying now. "You know I hate people like you. I'm nothing like Ms. Joy, but just because I'm not worshipping the fucking ground you walk on, you want to treat me like shit." I continued, this was personal. Mindy was sobbing loudly. "Don't even worry about calling me Ms. Jones any more." My tone was gentle, she looked at me, "R-really?" She stammered, I nodded, "You won't have to worry about calling me again. Because you're fired." I answered, my voice hardening, her eyes widened, "Get your fucking filth out of this god damn office in an hour or I'll have you escorted out. Go!" I snapped, she bolted for the door, crying louder than I'd ever heard her cry.

I walked out of my office, everyone was staring. Mindy was fumbling to get her stuff. "Get to work now!" I shouted, everyone turned and started working, and Mindy got a taste of her medicine. She made the boss mad, and now she wasn't getting help. As she fumbled with her stuff, I gave her one last cutting glare, before walking into my office and slamming the door so hard it shook on it's hinges.

Sinking into my chair, my facade died, and I rubbed my throbbing temples.

Alexander's P.O.V.

When I reached the building, Mindy had a box in her arms, and Alice was just leaving the building. Alice had her arms crossed, and Mindy saw her. As I walked towards them, Mindy threw a punch at Alice. The fuck? Alice caught her fist easily, thanks to her training. "Don't do this." Alice said, Mindy let out an animalistic growl, and threw her other fist. Alice dodged, and pinned her against the wall, twisting her arm behind her back. Mindy yelped in pain, "Just leave Mindy. You aren't needed anymore." Alice said, letting go.

Mindy started storming off, and flipped Alice off, then I caught her wrist. With just one look, Mindy shrunk back in fear, scurried to get her box and left. Alice watched.

"What happened?" I asked gently. She was extremely stiff. "I fired her." Looking over I saw Drake glaring at us, and looked back at Alice. "I'm sorry." I murmured, Alice looked up at me. "I broke a clip board, it was stupid. I let my anger get the best of me. Again." She was referencing her arms, "What if I actually hurt her instead?" She whispered in a shaky voice. "You broke a clip board?" I asked, "Mindy was taunting me, and I grabbed the thing closest to me, the clip board, and slammed it so hard against the desk it snapped in half on the spot." Alice explained, looking up at me.

"You'd never hurt someone unless you had to." I comforted. "How do you know that?" She asked in a whisper. "Because you're Alice. You're better than that." I explained, she gave me a small, exasperated smile. "I love you, you know that right?" She asked, I smiled, "Who doesn't Ms. Jones?" I asked, she rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up."

"Admit it, princess, you love the sound of my voice."

"I love hearing your voice when you're completely quiet."

"But then I wouldn't be talking at all."

"Exactly, Allie."

"Ouch. You wound me Ms. Jones."

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