Ch. 4 Smile.

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    When I woke up that morning, my head throbbed, and I realized I was slumped over my desk at work completely passed out. I often did this due to all the extra work I had. My forehead looked like someone slapped me, with a big red circle from where it'd been on the desk. Luckily I had sense before I fell asleep and shoved my purse into the mini fridge Mindy had gotten me as a present. I wondered if she'd gotten with Mr. Hollingsworth after I'd left. Somehow the thought made me annoyed, so I ignored it.

    Grabbing a change of clothes from a drawer in my desk, (yes I had a change of clothes stored in case of this very situation), I went to the bathroom and changed. Usually I wore my dull sandy blonde hair up with my bangs clipped back, because it fell in messy blonde waves to my shoulders. Today, however, I let it fall down, and my side bangs covered the mark on my forehead. At that I walked up, and stuffed my clothes back into my drawer. Then I left the completed work on Ms. Joy's desk. Sitting down I thought I'd at least get thirty minutes of silence to contemplate what the hell happened yesterday. In my mind I was so fierce and sassy but when I actually tried to be it came out as sorries and excuses. Leaning back in my seat, I let out a sigh, then hordes of employee's walked in, why was everyone early? Everyone was gossiping more than usual, and I realized they'd all dressed better than usual. What the hell?

    Before I could process any more, Ms. Joy materialized right next to me, and started shouting my ear off. "The CEO is in town today, and if he visits and you look as pathetic as you do now I will guarantee you're fired!" She finished, storming off. My heart fell to my stomach, the CEO? THE CEO!? He was going to fire me, most definitely. Mindy approached my desk, "He also made an announcement that he'll have one on one interviews with employees to see that they're given satisfactory treatment." She added, I snorted. This was anything but satisfactory.

    Later that day, I was working, and intensely focused on the mind numbing task Ms. Joy gave me, so I quote unquote, wouldn't look, "Pointless and stupid." But I still did, because when I focus, my peripheral vision shuts off, and I didn't realize something strange was happening until I acknowledged the fact that the office was completely silent, there as no mumbling or anything. A pin could be dropped and I'd hear it. It helped me focus but it wasn't how the office worked. So when I went to look over, I saw a suit. A man in a suit, a nice suit. Slowly my eyes traveled up, and I was staring into the intense brown eyes of one particular man. I nearly jumped out of my seat. Inclining my head in greeting, I said, "S-sir." His playful smile widened.

    "I'm quite offended you didn't realize I was here until just now Ms. Jones." He knew my last name. He looked me up, I was being fired. NO, I couldn't be. "Sorry Mr. Hollingsworth, I was focused on my work." I apologized, basically having to bite my tongue to stop from getting on my knees and pleading for mercy. He smiled, "Well Ms. Jones, I would like to pull you aside for a quick interview." It was an order, when I glanced at Ms. Joy her face looked so angry, and shocked at the same time. her gaze begged me to refuse. Just as Mr. Hollingsworth started to turn to see what I was staring at, I quickly shouted, "Yes, let's go." I said, to distract, it worked. He turned around as I got up. His smile forming again, and we left.

    "Where's your purse?" He asked, "In the fridge." I answered blankly, before realizing how weird that sounded. His brow was raised, "I mean, not because I want it there. Though I do want it there," Get to the point, dammit Alice! "It has food in it." I finished before I could ramble more. His smiled a small, but genuine smile, it dazzled me. "You keep your food in your purse?" He asked, opening the door for me. "Thank you, and yes. It isn't useful for much else. After putting my old purse through a hail storm I'm sure if I actually tried to carry anything in it, it'd break." I answered, his frowned slightly, and I hardly realized we were walking outside.

    "Where are we going?" I asked, his grin widened maddeningly, "Well to talk of course." Slowly a sleek black car pulled up, and he held the door open to me. "Promise not to murder me?" I asked, staring the car before tentatively looking back at him. He chuckled, "I promise." Then I slid in.

    He got in on the other side, and I was mesmerized. The car was so sleek and nice, I was pretty sure if he hadn't distracted me I would've been drooling. As I absently ran my finger over the leather he asked, "Like the car?" I smiled a little, "Yes, I'm envious, I'll never be able to have a car like this." I answered, smiling as I looked around. Even sitting in this car made me happy, it made me able to pretend I wouldn't have to walk back to my moldy apartment. I had to clean in everyday, because the place was just so filthy. "Why is that?" He asked, his eyes were twinkling with curiousity, and my smile faltered a little. "It's just not much of an option to me in my current situation." I answered automatically, to avoid having to say I'm barely making enough to pay for a $1.00 cup of ramen at the grocery store, or enough money to get to the grocery store.

    That made him pause, "Are you paid overtime?" He sounded more serious. "Mr. Hollingsworth," I said, he looked at me, and I gave him one of my brightest smiles, "Smile sir, it suits you better than a frown." I said, he raised his brows, obviously surprised. I frowned a little, "That doesn't look like a smile sir." I complained, that just made his eyebrows crease, and I rolled my eyes. "Smiling Mr. Hollingsworth, it involves using your facial muscles to lift up the corners of you lips, instead of shoving them down." I insisted. My life sucked enough as is, and I didn't like when people were stressed, and unhappy. He just kind of looked at me, "Mr. Hollingsworth, may I touch you?" I asked, he smirked, "You want to touch me Ms. Jones." I ignored the way my cheeks tingled with blushing, and placed my finger tips at the corners of his mouth.

    "Smiling is like this Mr. Hollingsworth, you lift the corners of your lips." Slowly I pulled his lip up in possibly the most goofy smile I'd ever seen. So I laughed, and he did too. "Usually I'd fire you, but I like you." He commented, I smiled at him. "Thank you sir, I literally can't afford to be fired." I'd probably fall into something just above poverty. If you have no money, it's good to make fun of yourself instead of wallowing in it. Slowly the car pulled to a stop, and Mr. Hollingsworth got out of the car, and opened the door for me. I stared at a very fancy, yet quaint cafe. "What?" Was all I could manage.

    Mr. Hollingsworth slowly smiled, "I still have to interview you Ms. Jones." He taunted coyly. Shit, I'd completely forgot.

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