The other boy gasped. "You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?! No wonder he flew off the handle at you! After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!"

"Oh, shut up. Who are you, anyway?"

"My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade. Don't you remember your own classmate, uh...?" His face turned blank.

"You don't remember my name either, do you?"

"That's not the point! You shouldn't try to shirk an order from the headmage!"

"Exactly!" I said.

Ace crossed his arms, frowning. "Yeah, yeah, message received... Fine, let's bang out the windows already." He looked around. "Huh...?"


Ace's eyes widened. "The furball! He's gone!"

I held in a groan. "We better catch him." Ace made Deuce come along, so the three of us chased Grim through the building and out into the streets. I could not believe he would run away after making a big deal about Ace doing the same. Was I the only one here who had a sense of responsibility? Okay, maybe Deuce was alright. He was helping us even when he did not have to.

Grim had us chasing him all around the school. We finally ended up in the cafeteria, where the monster climbed up on the giant chandelier. "No fair climbing up onto the chandelier, you coward!" Deuce said. "I haven't really learned flight magic yet... What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmmm... Oh! That's it!"

"Did you come up with somethi-" Ace started. His eyes grew wide when Deuce pointed his pen at him with a serious expression. "Oh, hey! Stop! What are you doing?! Why are you pointing your pen at me?!"

"Because I'm going to launch you."

I held in a sigh. "No way does this end well."

"Are you kidding me?!" Ace cried right before he was lifted into the air. "Bwaaah! Put me down! Seriously, do not launch me! Abort! ABORT!"

"Uh, Deuce, you should really rethink this. You're going to get someone hurt."

"Yes, listen to the magic-less girl!"

"Just make sure to grab him tight," Deuce said, ignoring us. "I've got him in my sights, and... Go!"

"Wait!" I cried, but he did not wait. He launched Ace into the air right up onto the chandelier... and on top of Grim. Of course, the chandelier broke from the weight, and all three crashed to the ground. "Now what have they done?!"

"I cannot believe you just did that!" Ace groaned.

"Oh, right!" said Deuce. "I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing after you caught him..."

I slapped my hand over my face. "Not what he meant." What was with everyone in this school?

"You complete and total moron!" Ace said. "We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-"

"If I find out about... what, dear Ace?" Crowley said, popping up out of nowhere again.

Ace jumped in fright. "Ah! Headmage Crowley...!"

Crowley glowered at us. "YOU. THREE. AGAIN. What have you done this time?!"

"Myaaah..." Grim muttered, finally sitting up. "Everything's spinning..." Then he collapsed again.

Crowley's eyes were drawn to Grim and the ruined chandelier. "Burning a statue wasn't enough for you? Now you've destroyed a chandelier?! Enough. All of you are expelled."

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