Swimming In Regret

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Jiang Cheng hopped into the car with a frown. "Did you have a good weekend?" Lan Xichen tolerated his indifference.

"What does that matter? It gets wasted when I set eyes on your depressing face every Monday morning." Jiang Cheng was the ultimate Grinch.

"Forgive him, Master Lan. A'Cheng is salty because you did not visit last weekend." Yanli poured sand into her brother's cooking flame.

"I beg your pardon!" Jiang Cheng gaped at his sister, utterly outraged.

"Isn't that what you told me last night? I'll quote your exact words." Yanli cleared her throat to mimic the angry Lotus. "Tch! Freaken Lan Xichen, acting like I'm the problem when he doesn't even have the decency to check on me."

"..." Jiang Cheng was floored by Yanli's performance. It did sound like him, but he could swear he never made that statement. Lan Xichen thanked Yanli and readily rendered an apology to his future mate. "Tch! Like I care about some stupid apology!" The omega chose to be extra.

On the other hand, there was silence in the second jade's vehicle. Well, not complete silence.

As soon as Wei Ying pushed his backpack into a corner, he hunted down Lan Wangji's lips. The jade had no intention to protest such a sweet gesture. But Wei Ying would not let him breathe and the driver was starting to peep through the rearview mirror. 

"Wei Ying..."

"Shut up and kiss me, Lan Zhan, I'm burning up here."

"Burning up?" Lan Wangji squished the omega's face backwards. "You're turning red. Is it your heat?"

"Why are you smiling?" Wei Ying was shocked by the faint lift on the jade's lips.

"I'm not." Lan Wangji went back to factory settings.

 Wei Ying laughed, already armed with a remedy. "In a day or two, you're going to swim your heart out. I will be your greatest fan, cheering you on. After that, we will go out for some noodles and spicy wings and then you will come home with me."


"Mhm," Wei Ying's smile was heavenly but devilish. His eyes shimmered as he nuzzled against the Jade's nose, pinching the tip with his teeth. "Our parents gave us some months to get acquainted. I think I'm ready to let you know me better. Inside out," said Wei Ying, baffled by his own level of lewdness. This was one of the effects of having Lan Wangji so close. 

It had become a tendency he could not fight; every time they were alone he wanted to overwhelm the Jade with all the emotions in the world.  

Wangji gulped at the omega's broken smile. "Shouldn't we wait till it's official to know each other that way?"

"Pfft! So old-fashioned?" Wei Ying scratched the bridge of his nose. "Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji, why do you make it sound as if I want to take advantage of you?"

"I don't know. Do you not want to take advantage of me?" Wangji was very aware of Wei Ying's hands brushing the back of his head. It felt good. 

"I'll tell you nothing but the truth. I do want to take advantage of you," Wei Ying mumbled. 

Lan Wangji was silenced for a moment. Wei Ying's heart was shooting cannons and he could hear it thump loudly.  "Wei Ying...do you like me?" That was the bravest, most difficult thing Lan Wangji had ever said to anyone. And he felt the earth would stop when the omega smirked. 

"I like you like you, Lan Wangji," said the omega.  "So, please let me take advantage of you after the swimming games. No one will catch us, I promise." Wei Ying felt like a teenager, craving a heart-throbbing adventure.

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