Chapter 1: End Of Year Party

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Late one evening at the Jiang Mansion in Gusu, someone jumped out through a window and landed with a light thud. After carefully looking left and right, the silhouette motioned for his accomplice to come out.

"Ouch..." The second person was not so lucky in the fall. "Shhh!..." The first person held his mouth out of reflexes, checking if they were heard by the bodyguards.

"A'Cheng, the coast is clear." Wei Ying gave the go-ahead and they sneaked closer to the walls, making their way to another side of the huge building. He took out his cell phone and sent a text. Within seconds they heard the creak of a window above their heads and a young lady climbed out, leaning onto them for support. For some reason, the three wore black jeans and black hoodie sweaters.

Wei Ying, "Jie You sure no one saw you?"

YanLi, "Yes, now hurry, we're already late. Is Huaisang here?"

Wei Ying, "He's waiting outside."

Without delay, the three siblings secretly made their way past the huge courtyard. "Shit! A guard is coming this way, everyone hide!" Wei Ying pushed Jiang Cheng the other way.

Jiang YanLi hurriedly hid behind the lotus-shaped topiary hedge and covered her head with her hoodie. Jiang Cheng was a little unfortunate to pose like a tree with branches, behind a very thin plant. Wei Ying just lay down flat on the grass.

A guard surveyed the area then reported back on his walkie-talkie, "All clear...What? Do you need to tell us about how your shit looks like? Man, you're gross." The man paced around the three unknowingly nearly stepping on Wei Ying's fingers. Of course, Wei Ying clearly saw the danger but kept very still. Even then, he wanted to laugh at Jiang Cheng for standing like an ancient drawing with both hands in the air and one leg up in an uncomfortable way.

The three relaxed when the guard left. Jiang Cheng was a little salty because his siblings could not hide their laughter. "Stop it... Why did I even let you two drag me into this." He scoffed. Being sent off to the university of Gusu gave them all the freedom in the world but when their parents were around, curfew was at ten. That meant skipping the end-of-year party on campus.  "No more time to waste boys, let's go!" today, however, it was Jiang Yanli's idea to sneak out. She didn't want to miss the event for the world. 

YanLi grabbed her brothers and headed towards the secret tunnel.

"Woohoo!! let's go party!!", Wei Ying could not contain himself when their plan was a success. "Did you bring the clothes.", he raised a brow at Huaisang.

Huaisang, "Yeah... Let's go already, we're late. You guys can change when we get to the complex.". He started the engine and drove off. Inside the car Wei Ying put his hand around his siblings, feeling ecstatic. "This is going to be the best night of our lives!!" he showed his bunny teeth with joy.

A few hours later...

Wei Ying was exchanging words with Wen Chao at the party and things got heated up. It all started when the latter behaved badly toward MianMian and as if that was not enough to put Wei Ying off, he decided to harass YanLi. Jiang Cheng stood behind him firmly; always letting his elder brother do the dirty work.

Wen Chao, " I'm just doing my job as an alpha! Now back off before I mark you and your pretty sister."

Finally, at his wit's end, Wei Ying grabbed a bottle of vodka and smashed him in the head. Some of the students tried to separate them but Wei Ying was a tough nut to crack.

"This omega is feisty!", one student muttered. "Who the hell are you calling an omega!", Jiang Cheng faced them with a murderous glare.

 "Aren't the Twin Pride of Yunmeng omegas? Everybody knows," the student answered.

Jiang Cheng, "Will you shut up before I turn your skin inside out!"

"Oh God," YanLi had her hands full. First, it was Wei Ying, now Jiang Cheng is also about to fight. She dug her fingers through her hair in frustration as both brothers refused to listen to her pleas.

Student, "It's pretty obvious you're an omega...Chill, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Oh yeah?! Just wait...I'll show you to run your mouth!", he picked up a glass half-filled with red whine and threw it. Unfortunately, the student ducked and the contents hit someone else.

'Fuck!', Jiang Cheng was shocked at the outcome. The victim was wearing a white blazer and white pants, which made it look worse. Although they were hardly seen together, there were already puzzling rumours hinting that the first jade of Gusu Lan and the heir to the Yunmengjiang Clan was betrothed. So people did not think this honest mistake would breed any serious misunderstanding.

"Xichen Ge!" The man beside the victim called out, looking at the drenched man, then at Jiang Cheng with a cold glare. "What's the meaning of this?" this person spoke with clear authority.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, Wei Ying walked to them, leaving Wen Chao in a bad state. "Sorry, my brother did not mean to pour wine on you. It was an accident." He bowed respectfully.

"Nonsense... Is what the person said not true? One of these days you'll be thought a grave lesson for acting like an uncultured buffoon everywhere you go," the victim's stoic brother spoke calmly.

"Wangji," Lan Xichen tilted his head at his younger sibling, a way of stepping on the other's toes for using harsh words.

Jiang Cheng's eyes widened and all the remorse went out the window along with his tolerance. "Who the fuck do you think you are!" Wei Ying held him back from attacking the second jade head-on. 

"Relax brother...What am I here for?", Wei Ying smirked. "Hahhh..." Wei Wuxian sighed leisurely as he turned to a table beside him and snatched up two bottles of wine. Everyone else including YanLi grew hairs on their skin, wondering what he was going to do next. Did he plan on hitting the jade with the bottles like Wen Chao? 

No one was prepared for what did happen seconds later.

Wei Ying stood in front of the cold-faced man with a menacingly beautiful smile on his cheeks. He even winks at Lan Wangji as he uncorked both bottles. With pure joy and malice, Wei Ying lifted the first bottle and began to empty its contents over Lan Wangji's head.

Xichen nearly lost his balance out of shock, a few splashes travelled to him as well.

 "That's for insulting my brother... Now this, this is for being rude to silly old me who tried to be nice to a stick in the mud," Wei Ying's smile grows wider as he raises the second bottle. Done, he tossed the bottles aside and cracked his knuckles.

"Wangji...", Xichen muttered with utter disbelief. Never had anyone dared to treat them this way.

Seeing the second jade clench a fist like he was about to murder him, Wei Ying chuckled and inched closer, daring Wangji to do his worst. 

"What's wrong pretty boy?.... Wanna fight?" He said with a devilish smirk.

 Wanna fight?" He said with a devilish smirk

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