Chapter 10: Before The Games

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There was a new kind of fever in the air. 

Lecturers were summing up IA's and notes, students were burning the midnight oil to make the marks so they could enjoy what was coming. This could only mean one thing...

"Gusu is a hundred and seventy years old! The mega inter-university competition is about to land with two weeks of partying and leaving classrooms empty. Can I get a yeah!" Wei Ying enters the cafeteria bustling with energy.

 Here he was, back to his rowdy self in full splendour and being a little extra to uplift spirits. Huaisang, his main man held up a stereo, spiking the atmosphere with more of this contagious fever. It was a ruckus that was welcomed.

 Wei Ying hopped onto their table and said at the top of his lungs, "Hope to see you all at the awesome pool party I'm throwing at my place after we bring those sweet medals home!" Everyone who was someone could not turn away from the most popular table on campus. The Fantastic Six were more than beauty and money, they had brains and wits. The godfathers and mothers of chaos in this university. The highest of elites gathered at one spot. It was a miracle the ground could contain them.

The gang were seated, holding their lunch trays to save their food from Wei Ying's swan feet as he displayed his noisy talents.

" Our star athlete, the one and only Wen Ning will be accepting well wishes from the honies. I bet he will sign your chest if you flash him some oranges," Wei Ying tilted his head with a teasing smirk. Wen Ning buried his head so close to his plate. 

"His devil of a sister, Wen Qing, will be kicking ass in the wrestling competition. Yanli my mega flower has our back in the cooking competition and Jiang Cheng will be saving our asses with his swimming skills. I assure you, he will not come second this time," the wild one winked at Jiang Cheng. 

"What about you? You have to return to the archery class," a fan shouted. 

"Yeah, you have to compete," more voices came out of the crowd.

"Calm down, calm down," Wei Ying fanned his hands down. "Given that I hold an unbeaten record from Yunmeng to Gusu, I did not want to abuse the competition. But I have thought about it a lot. It would be unfair to fail my adoring fans. So, if you need me, I will be there!" Wei Ying's big announcement sparked a wave of cheers and applause. "Alright Huaisang, you can tune the music down. I'm done talking people, return to your seats!" He said as he took a huge leap down.

Wen Qing, "These idiots will eat up everything you say."

"It's all part of the fame my dear Qing," Wei Ying took his bowl of shrimp salad. While forking out a morsel he sets eyes on Lan Wangji walking to his table with Xichen and a smile creeps on his face. 

Jiang Cheng had to look his way after a series of unanswered comments. "You've got to be kidding me!" Jiang Cheng grouched when he discovered what had taken Wei Ying's attention. "Hey, stop daydreaming and finish your food!" he banged the table.

"Yes, what did I miss?" Wei Ying turned sharply.

"A year's worth of drama. You've got your head in the clouds ever since you went on that date with Lan Wangji," Jiang Cheng scowled.

"That date he talked about?" Huaisang said. 

Wen Qing, "How am I now hearing of this?" 

"Guys chill, it was nothing," Wei Ying chuckled. 

"Nothing you say? They almost kissed, I saw it with my eagle eyes," Jiang Cheng narrowed his gaze.

"No way those two got along!" The Wen siblings and Huaisang responded, shocked as expected. 

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